Top 12 takeaways from the Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone interview |

Wednesday, January 05, 2022 by: Lance D Johanson

(Natural News) One of the most insightful dialogues of 2021 was Joe Rogan’s interview of Dr. Robert Malone (#1757). Dr. Malone invented the mRNA technology that is being used in the experimental covid vaccines. Dr. Malone has developed medical products, drugs and clinical trials. He has worked directly with Dr. Anthony Fauci and scientists at the Centers for Disease Control. However, at this critical moment in history, he refuses to follow along with their vax-all agenda that has quashed medical ethics and destroyed the principles of medical privacy and informed consent.

Read more & watch the interview(3:06:04): “Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview To Joe Rogan”: Top 12 takeaways from the Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone interview —

Death By Medicine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century | GreatGameIndia

GreatGameIndia – June 26, 2021

In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs…. The patients do not realize that although their doctors know a lot about diseases, human physiology and psychology, they know very little about the drugs that have been concocted and dressed up by the drug industry.”

Read more: Death By Medicine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century — GreatGameIndia

Four British Airway pilots DIE in the same week, just days after getting second covid shot |

Sunday, June 20, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) A heartbreaking photo is circulating online. The photo shows four British Airway pilots memorialized in framed pictures that are propped up beside four books of condolence. A Reuters fact check just authenticated the picture and confirmed that the four British Airways pilots DIED in the same week, just days after getting a second covid shot. The Reuters fact checker attempts to debunk the link between the deaths and the vaccines after a spokesperson from British Airways tweeted that the four deaths are not linked.

Read more: Four British Airway pilots DIE in the same week, just days after getting second covid shot —