Dirty electricity in the home threatens human health — Natural Health 365 – December 31, 2018

(NaturalHealth365) What if electromagnetic or EMF pollution wasn’t strictly a wireless technology problem? Well, it turns out that dirty electricity – mainly caused by the electrical wires in your home – can cause serious health issues like, migraines, poor brain function and, even, contribute to cancer cell growth. This is clearly a much more serious…Read more

via Dirty electricity in the home threatens human health — Natural Health 365

World’s Largest Animal Study On Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link — Collective Evolution – Aug 17, 2018

Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers. I am posting this article with the permission of Environmental Health Trust and can be found online at ehtrust.org. (Washington, DC)…Read more & videos

via World’s Largest Animal Study On Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link — Collective Evolution