The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War On Thought Crimes And Truth-Tellers | GreatGameIndia

By GreatGameIndia – February 17, 2022

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”— George Orwell

The U.S. government, which speaks in a language of force, is afraid of its citizenry.

What we are dealing with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it is conspiring to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority.

All of us are in danger.

Read more: The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War On Thought Crimes And Truth-Tellers — GreatGameIndia

The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion | Waking Times

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, TRI
Waking Times – November 18, 2021

“Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are moving fast down the road to fascism.

This COVID-19 pandemic has shifted us into high gear.

The heavy-handed collusion between the Techno-Corporate State and the U.S. government over vaccine mandates is merely the latest manifestation of the extent to which fascist forces are working to overthrow our constitutional republic and nullify the rights of the individual.

Read more: The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion — Waking Times

The System Is Rigged: Qualified Immunity Is How The Police State Stays In Power | Humans Are Free – June 19, 2020

The System Is Rigged Qualified Immunity Is How The Police State Stays In Power

(Humans Are Free)

“What’s been most striking to me is just how one-sided the rules are when Americans take on their own government…. It has been dismaying to learn the extent to which rules and laws shield the government from accountability for its abuses — or even lawbreaking…. It’s been a long and frightening lesson…. The rules seem rigged to protect government lawlessness, and the playing field is uneven. Too many processes favor the government. The deck is still stacked.” —  Journalist Sharyl Attkisson

The system is rigged.

The system is rigged, the government is corrupt, and “we the people” continue to waste our strength by fighting each other rather than standing against the tyrant in our midst. →

Read more via Humans Are Free