Criminal Pharmaceutical Cartel Providing COVID-19 Injections Back in the News This Week as Their Products Harm the Public | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – July 20, 2021
Editor, Health Impact News

I wonder how many people who have eagerly received COVID-19 injections from Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson are aware that these are two of the largest criminal organizations in the world?

The pharmaceutical industry as a whole is the largest criminal cartel in the world, with no serious competitors.

Read more:


By Nyla Nguyen3D to 5DConsciousness | First published at 23:58 UTC on December 27th, 2020.

Zoom video conferencing has connections with China. It’s not safe to use the video conferencing platform. New York is fighting back against Andrew Cuomo lockdown restrictions and is winning. CV scam virus has not been isolated, more evidence being shown this is a massive fraud committed against humanity. Trump vetoed National Defence bill. There is hope in Wisconsin as judge over turned 200,000 illegimate votes for Biden. Nashville attack has to do with Deep State attacking the internet infrastructure providing internet services for the White Hats. I’m giving updates on the great conjunction update. I’m also exposing traitors that are close to the POTUS.


US Charges Over 600 “Despicable, Greedy People” In Multi-Billion Dollar Healthcare Fraud – June 29, 2018


With the opioid crisis still in full swing (and researchers reporting on Wednesday 70,000 opioid-related deaths that were not added to official statistics over the past 20 years) The Department of Justice announced on Thursday the conclusion of a year-long crackdown on opioid overprescribers that led to the indictment of more than 600 people – including 76 doctors – on health-care fraud charges. All told, the DOJ found that the crimes resulted in more than $2 billion in losses for Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare, as well as private insurers.

Read more at: Zero Hedge

Thanks to: Galactic Connection


New Studies Confirm the Effectiveness of Ibogaine in Stopping Opioid Addiction – June 9, 2017

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times The opioid crisis in America has reached epidemic levels and overdose deaths continue to rise. While the destructive effects of heroin and pharmaceutical opioids ravage communities and destroy families, the federal government is considering harsh new mandatory sentences for opioid crimes, demonstrating a heart-breaking disconnect from reality when it comes to disrupting…

via New Studies Confirm the Effectiveness of Ibogaine in Stopping Opioid Addiction – Waking Times —

“Iboga is not a magic pill. Iboga is an amazing tool that can free you from the deepest depths of addiction. The spirit of Iboga will teach you everything you need to learn to stay clean, but one must follow these lessons to stay on the right path. Iboga does not change your free will, what Iboga does, is show you the truth. The truth you need to make peace in order to live a happy, drug free life.” – Jeff Cook, Iboga Wellness Center, Costa Rica