Monsanto to be acquired by Bayer, the Nazi-era IG Farben ‘crimes against humanity’ poison chemical Company – Sept. 17, 2016

Monsanto acquisition

(NaturalNews) It is altogether fitting that Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporate monster, is now going to be acquired by Bayer, the Nazi-era war crimes chemical company that committed crimes against humanity. The price of this demonic acquisition that will spell doom for humanity? A mere $66 billion.

“German drug and crop chemical maker Bayer clinched a $66 billion takeover of U.S. seeds company Monsanto on Wednesday,” reports Reuters. “If the deal closes, it will create a company commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides in the fast-consolidating farm supplies industry.”

Reuters goes on to explain, “What the newly-formed company would be named is unclear.”

Introduced MonSatanFarben

The combined name, of course, should be “MonSatanFarben” because Bayer is an offshoot of Interessengemeinschaft Farben, the Nazi-era chemical company that worked with Adolf Hitler to develop and deploy deadly chemical weapons against humanity.

Via the IG Farben page on Truthwiki:

September of 1939: Germany invades Poland and within two days, France and Britain declare war on Germany. Hitler seized Norway and Denmark for the naval war against British trade supplies from America. Hitler had a war plan like no other in history, and it involved using chemicals against the enemy, even in the war camps. So how did Hitler gain SO MUCH POWER so fast? [By deploying a] cyanide-based pesticide that was invented in the early 1920s in Germany, best known as Zyklon B, and was being used by Nazi Germany to murder over ONE MILLION PEOPLE in gas chambers that Hitler’s engineers and architects installed at Auschwitz death camp, the slaughtering headquarter and largest of all the other extermination camps.

In waging World War II, Hitler and the Nazi regime hoped to control the world by force. Today, Monsanto and Bayer have learned that controlling the world by controlling the food supply is far easier in comparison (and relatively few people resist… go figure).

Now, with the Bayer acquisition of Monsanto a near certainty, we can get ready for the obvious next step for humanity’s downfall…

Bayer — MonSatanFarben — will weaponize control of the food supply to control humanity

The next step in all this is rather obvious. With control over one-quarter of the world’s seed supply, MonSatanFarben (Bayer) will very sooner or later exploit its domineering control over the food supply as a means to control entire nations.

Even before that happens, Bayer will be poisoning most of humanity with glyphosate herbicide (RoundUp), which now inundates much of the food supply.

It seems that Bayer’s desire to use chemicals to commit crimes against humanity never really ended with the Nazis. Now, with its acquisition of Monsanto, Bayer is revisiting that dark, demonic history and hoping to wield modern agricultural chemical weapons against all those who once escaped the Zyklon B gas chambers of the Nazi era.

Except this time, they’re not just coming for the Jews. They’re waging indiscriminate depopulation and hoping to cause widespread infertility, cancer and early death across the entire human population.

When the ashes of modern civilization are sifted through by future scientists, Bayer will be identified as playing a prominent role in the chemical destruction and downfall of humanity.

Italian Pilots Protest Chemtrails – VIDEO – Sept. 17, 2016


Italian pilots carry photos of chemtrails

By Gary Barnes, Truth, September 16, 2016


Last April, an anti geo-engineering protest in Bologna, Italy took the world by storm.

Communities around the country mobilized to tell the world exactly what they think about geo-engineering.

One picture served as one of the most iconic images in the fight for clean air.

A picture of Italian pilots standing up in unison to world governments who continually subjugate the peoples served as an example of what all communities must do in the face of such oppression.

The protest stands as one of the most organized and impactful anti-geoengineering protest ever known. Below is a video with clips from the actual protests.



Prominent Analyst Calls Clinton Foundation A Rogue Charity Fraud Network — The Sleuth Journal – Sept. 16, 2016

I’ve written numerous times about the Clinton Foundation money-laundering, pay-to-play, self-enrichment racket masquerading as a charitable NGO. Wall Street analyst, whistleblower, financial advisor Charles Ortel investigated Clinton Foundation shenanigans for months, saying information it releases publicly in “legally mandated filings do not add up, are frequently incorrect, and appear to be misleading.” Based on…

via Prominent Analyst Calls Clinton Foundation A Rogue Charity Fraud Network — The Sleuth Journal

Facebook Blocked Our Page For 7 Days Under False Copy-Right Allegations — Collective Evolution – Sept. 16, 2016

In an attempt to raise awareness about an important issue that needs addressing, we write this to hopefully get help from whoever can help. As we were approaching a HUGE announcement from our company in just a few days, we were banned from posting all content on Facebook due to “copy-right” allegations on a video…

via Facebook Blocked Our Page For 7 Days Under False Copy-Right Allegations — Collective Evolution