SOTN: How the “Conspiracy Theory” meme is being used to cover up OPERATION COVID-19 & advance COVID-1984 – May 28, 2020

The C.I.A. created the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ meme
to shut down the Truth Movement
in anticipation of the
COVID-1984 era

State of the Nation

May 27, 2020

The truth is that everything is a conspiracy—EVERYTHING ! ! !

You’d be hard-pressed to find anything on the front page of the New York Times and Washington Post, or on CNN and MSNBC, that’s not a conspiracy.

Not only were the state-sponsored, false flag terror attacks on 9/11 one of the biggest conspiracies ever, because the culprits were never apprehended, prosecuted and incarcerated, the very same perps did OPERATION COVID-19.

How’s that for a very bonafide conspiracy?  Now for a quick reality check. →

Read more via State of the Nation

Deep State Collapsing, C.I.A. Being Defanged, Shadow Government Defeat Inevitable – December 2, 2017


The Internet has changed everything,
and there’s nothing the C.I.A. can do about it.

From this point forward, dismantling the shadow government is really only a matter of execution.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group

“TPTB made a HUGE mistake when they built the Internet for themselves
and their misguided purposes.  They conceived it as the ultimate weapon
of mass deception, and means to completely control the planetary realm…
and so it is.  However, they did not realize the extent to which it could, and
would, be used against them.  Google “Rothschild” and see how their name
is now associated with every foul endeavor under the sun, both past and
present.  Ditto that for Rockefeller…Bush…Clinton…Obama…Soros…
Kissinger, etc.  Just this reversal of fortune alone has majorly taken the
wind out of the sails of their New World Order agenda.  The “genie is out
of the bottle”,
and there ain’t no putting it back in!  And that genie is coming
right for ruling elites with the sharp sword of truth and avenging scales of

— Longtime Political Analyst & Investigative Reporter 

Here’s what really happened:

With the advent of the World Wide Web in the late 1980s, and especially the Internet in 1995, everything changed.

The entire world became digitally connected so that people everywhere could connect in myriad and diverse ways.

This exceedingly monumental development permitted every human being to have immediate access to the “global information database”.

Once this pivotal milestone was passed, the unparalleled sharing of privileged information and sensitive data began in earnest.

KEY POINT: This single info-sharing dynamic has created unlimited opportunities
for people to disseminate their own radioactive truth(s).  Some of these truths are
capable of bringing down corrupt governments anywhere as well as exposing multi-
century criminal conspiracies perpetrated on a global scale.

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