Bestselling Author’s ‘Anti-Vax’ Post Goes Viral: “I Do Not Consent” — Collective Evolution – March 29, 2019

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It’s not often that people with a large following speak out ‘against’ vaccinations, despite the fact that many of them may feel a certain way. Sharing thoughts as to why one may not support vaccinations, especially if they are in the public eye, can lead to instant ridicule and character assassination. As a result, not many people are brave enough to speak out, but with more and more information emerging every single day about vaccinations and how they’re not as safe as they are marketed to be by their manufacturers (big pharma), speaking out against vaccinations using facts can no longer be countered or addressed with opposing evidence. There are several clear causes for concern when it comes to vaccinations, which render the idea of forced vaccinations as something extremely wrong and unethical.

Read more via Bestselling Author’s ‘Anti-Vax’ Post Goes Viral: “I Do Not Consent” — Collective Evolution