How the Words We Speak Either Enslave or Liberate Us | Wake Up World

July 13th, 2021

By Paul Lenda

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

Are you aware of how the words coming out of your mouth are affecting you? Do you realize that every word you speak is a manifesting generator of the reality you end up experiencing? Words matter for several reasons. They can quite literally change the way your mind perceives something.

Read more: How the Words We Speak Either Enslave or Liberate Us — Wake Up World

The Old World Is Falling Away and Making Way for a New One | Wake Up World

By Paul Lenda – October 20th, 2020

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

It may seem like the world is a chaotic mess right now. However, maybe it’s good. It’s a good idea to remember the Chinese parable of the Old Man and the Horse. Something may appear at first to be terrible or catastrophic, yet it leads to something better. We are seeing this play out right now but on a grand scale. The old world, which didn’t work that well for anyone, is falling away. A new world is emerging to take its place.

Read more: The Old World Is Falling Away and Making Way for a New One — Wake Up World

How to Avoid Turning Freedom Into Enslavement | Wake Up World

October 6th, 2020 – By Paul Lenda | Wake Up World

There’s a little something called free will. It means we have sovereignty over what we think, say, and do. Thoughts, words, and actions are the mechanisms by which we interact with, shape, and create reality. Anything we do, is due to our free will initiating an action. Yes, even when we think it’s not.

How can that be?

Read more via How to Avoid Turning Freedom Into Enslavement — Wake Up World

Why Psychopaths are Attempting to Divide Us | Wake Up World – July 7th, 2020

By Paul Lenda

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

If you look at the world around you, it looks like there is massive upheaval and division going on. You have to either be for this or against that, otherwise you are a terrible person who deserves to be punished in some way. This instability and imbalance within the personal and collective psyches is not an accident. In fact, it’s an intentional feature that has been instigated countless times, for ages. All of this division is being orchestrated by psychopaths in positions of power and influence in an attempt to divide us. →

Read more via Why Psychopaths are Attempting to Divide Us — Wake Up World