Using EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity — Wake Up World – December 18th, 2018

December 18th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Electromagnetic field (EMF) filters are particularly important for those who are electro-sensitive. Most people just don’t want to believe EMFs are problematic because electricity and electric, wireless devices are so incredibly convenient and provide us with many logistical benefits. Most public health authorities also…..Read more & video: “Dr. Mercola Interviews Magda Havas on EMF Filters and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity”

via Using EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity — Wake Up World

Researcher Explains How Electromagnetic Fields Damage Your Health — Waking Times – April 30, 2018

Dr. Mercola, GuestWaking Times Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been shown to cause biological damage and even cancer, but exactly how does this happen? In this interview, Paul Héroux, Ph.D., a researcher and professor of toxicology and health effects of electromagnetism at the faculty of medicine at McGill University in Montreal, helps answer that question. Originally…Read more & video

via Researcher Explains How Electromagnetic Fields Damage Your Health — Waking Times