Should You Take the Covid Vaccine Causing Injury and Death? | NewsVoice

NewsVoice – 9 Juni, 2021

If the COVID vaccine is causing injury and death at an alarming rate, should those not yet vaccinated reconsider getting a COVID shot?

By Nate Dormal | This article was previously published on

Vaccine mania is sweeping the nation. One cannot go a day without hearing about the COVID vaccine and the need for increased vaccination rates so “we can get back to normal.” However, since the COVID vaccine supply is now exceeding demand, it reveals that many people do not want the vaccine, and public health authorities are turning to more “coercive” incentives.

Read more: Should You Take the Covid Vaccine Causing Injury and Death? —

Ex-Chief Science Officer At Pfizer: There Is No ‘Second Wave’ … The ‘Pandemic’ Is Over | HAF

Dr. Michael Yeadon

HAF – November 25, 2020

Source and reference:

It’s time to get back to normal life, America. But wait, what about the pandemic? There isn’t one, says Dr. Michael Yeadon – you are all being fooled.

A new interview with this former chief science officer at Pfizer, which was pulled from YouTube within two hours, reveals that the so-called “second wave” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is completely nonexistent.

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Two Boys Drop Dead While Wearing Face Masks During Gym Class | Collective Evolution – Aug 14, 2020

Collective Evolution


The Facts: Two Chinese boys dropped dead in gym class while exercising and wearing a mask. It’s unclear whether or not the masks had anything to do with their deaths.

Reflect On: Why are children in gym class, and some gyms across the globe mandating masks when there is science indicating that wearing a mask while exercising is not safe and potentially dangerous?

What Happened: Multiple media outlets are reporting that two Chinese boys dropped dead within one week of each other wearing face masks during gym class. Both of the students were 14 years old and were running laps for a physical examination test when they suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness during their run.

Read more via: Two Boys Drop Dead While Wearing Face Masks During Gym Class — Collective Evolution

Toronto Public Health Confirms: People Who Don’t Die From COVID-19 Are Still Added To The Death Count | Collective Evolution – July 16, 2020

Collective Evolution


The Facts:

Toronto Public Health tweeted in late June that “Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19, are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.”

Reflect On:

Why are people who have not died as a result of COVID-19 being included in the official death count? 

What Happened: A common theme during this pandemic is the fact that public, provincial, state and federal health regulatory agencies have been, since the beginning of this pandemic, adding to the death count people who actually didn’t die as a result of Covid-19. Toronto Public Health recently did the same, last month tweeting that “Individuals who have died with Covid-19, but not as a result of COVID-19 are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.” (source)

Read more via Toronto Public Health Confirms: People Who Don’t Die From COVID-19 Are Still Added To The Death Count — Collective Evolution

How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines — Collective Evolution – November 9, 2018

The CDC claims that its recommendation that everyone aged six months and up should get an annual flu shot is firmly grounded in science. The mainstream media reinforce this characterization by misinforming the public about what the science says. A New York Times article from earlier this year, for example, in order to persuade readers to follow the…..Read more

via How the CDC Uses Fear to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines — Collective Evolution