Should You Take the Covid Vaccine Causing Injury and Death? | NewsVoice

NewsVoice – 9 Juni, 2021

If the COVID vaccine is causing injury and death at an alarming rate, should those not yet vaccinated reconsider getting a COVID shot?

By Nate Dormal | This article was previously published on

Vaccine mania is sweeping the nation. One cannot go a day without hearing about the COVID vaccine and the need for increased vaccination rates so “we can get back to normal.” However, since the COVID vaccine supply is now exceeding demand, it reveals that many people do not want the vaccine, and public health authorities are turning to more “coercive” incentives.

Read more: Should You Take the Covid Vaccine Causing Injury and Death? —

(Video) Tentacles of the Deep State Exposed — Part 1 – September 27, 2018

Published on Sep 11, 2018

We have all heard of the #DeepState, #Cabal or #ShadowGovernment but who makes up this Deep State and how have they impacted our history over the last 100 + years?

During our research, we came upon a book on the C!A website called The Story of the Committee of 300. What we read in the book was so shocking we realized we needed to do a series on it.

On this Episode of Edge of Wonder, we dive deep into the pyramid structure, the secret organization behind the Deep State, and uncover their ultimate goal for humanity which is beyond anyone’s imagination.

So in this 4 part miniseries, we will be exposing the dark tentacles of the Deep State starting with the Committee of 300 followed by the 13 bloodlines of the Illum!n@t!. [due to censorship ;)]

Operation Disclosure