As Families Become Outlaws to Treat Epilepsy with Cannabis, Colorado Kids Can Now Bring It To School — The Free Thought Project – September 16, 2018


A fourth grader is now allowed to take his cannabis in school for his epilepsy as kids in states across the country would be arrested for the same thing. The post As Families Become Outlaws to Treat Epilepsy with Cannabis, Colorado Kids Can Now Bring It To School appeared first on The Free Thought Project……Read more

via As Families Become Outlaws to Treat Epilepsy with Cannabis, Colorado Kids Can Now Bring It To School — The Free Thought Project

Ingefärsextrakt fungerar mot äggstockscancer — TV Helse i Sverige – 3 Aug, 2018

Iranska forskare har upptäckt att ingefärsextrakt delvis dödar äggstockscancer inom loppet av endast tre dagar. I slutet av den tredje dagen av behandling hade tillväxten av cancerceller halverats. Forskarna testade olika nivåer av ingefärsextrakt på cellerna och högsta dos hade starkast effekt. Forskarna tror att någonting i ingefärsextrakt aktiverar genen p53 som stoppar okontrollerad celldelning….Läs mera

via Ingefärsextrakt fungerar mot äggstockscancer — TV Helse i Sverige

Storbritannien legaliserar medicinsk cannabis — – 31 Juli, 2018


Storbritannien har beslutat att tillåta läkare att skriva ut medicinsk cannabis, men det är inte ett steg mot att tillåta cannabis för hemmabruk, säger den brittiska inrikesministern Sajid Javid. Beslutet att acceptera medicinsk cannabis är resultatet av flera oberoende rådgivares bedömning och att försök visat att barn sjuka i epilepsi kan få mycket god hjälp….Läs mera

via Storbritannien legaliserar medicinsk cannabis —

Big Pharma Tries to Monopolize CBD Oil Market – December 11, 2017

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

“The cannabinoids in cannabis — cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — interact with your body by way of naturally-occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body. In fact, scientists now believe the endocannabinoid system may represent the most widespread receptor system in your body.1

There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system and more, and both the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid activates a cannabinoid receptor. Your body actually makes its own cannabinoids, similar to those found in marijuana, albeit in much smaller quantities than you get from the plant.

The fact that your body is replete with cannabinoid receptors, key to so many biological functions, is why there’s such enormous medical potential for cannabis. More often than not, medicinal marijuana is made from plants bred to have high CBD and low THC content. While THC has psychoactive activity that can make you feel “stoned,” CBD has no psychoactive properties.

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