Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. : Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders – Feb 10 , 2017

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. : Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders

EcoWatch Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Feb. 08, 2017 A team of researchers from the Yale School of Medicine and Penn State College of Medicinehave found a disturbing association between the timing of vaccines and the onset of certain brain disorders in a subset of children. Analyzing five years’ worth of…

via Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. : Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders — Galactic Connection

New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvant Via HPV Vaccine To Neuroinflammation & Autoimmune Reactions – Feb 10, 2017

A paper titled “Behavioural abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil” was withdrawn after being published in January 2016. You can read the abstract on PubMed here, which states that it was withdrawn by the Editor-in-Chief “due to serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of…

via New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvant Via HPV Vaccine To Neuroinflammation & Autoimmune Reactions — Collective Evolution

Highest Radiation Levels Ever Recorded at Fukushima, Too High Even for an Inspection Robot – Feb 10, 2017

Although most of us were aware of how dangerous radiation levels at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant have been since the 2011 disaster, the Japanese press is reporting that it has just been “newly-discovered” that radiation levels at the plant are “stunningly high”. Via Fox: The new readings come from inside reactor two,…

via Highest Radiation Levels Ever Recorded at Fukushima, Too High Even for an Inspection Robot — The Daily Sheeple

How Big Food & Education Made Us Believe ‘Milk Does The Body Good’ When It Really Doesn’t – Feb 10, 2017

Oh, good old dairy! I’m sure you remember being a kid and having your mother tell you, Drink your milk! You need it to grow and be strong! Or perhaps your mom was ahead of the curve and saw through the mass marketing campaign designed to convince us that we require milk to live a healthy life. Aside from the…

via How Big Food & Education Made Us Believe ‘Milk Does The Body Good’ When It Really Doesn’t – See For Yourself — Collective Evolution

New Radiation Level at Fukushima Dwarfs the Highest Peak at Chernobyl – Feb 10, 2017

By: Washington’s Blog | We noted a few days after the Japanese earthquake that the amount of radioactive fuel at Fukushima dwarfs that at Chernobyl … and that the cesium fallout from Fukushima already rivaled Chernobyl (we also noted that Fukushima radiation could end up on the West Coast of North America. And see this.).…

via New Radiation Level at Fukushima Dwarfs the Highest Peak at Chernobyl — The Sleuth Journal

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 10 February 2017

So much is happening upon Earth right now, and the general view is that the dark Ones are in retreat. The people themselves can take some credit for what has occurred, as they have strongly responded to the expressed intentions of President Trump. Across your world some have been demonstrating against his declared policies, and it is very interesting that many souls have been awakened from their slumbers, and it has goaded them into action. This is desirable as there needs to be a constant growth in the Light, to ensure that it is beyond the reach of those who would steer you onto a path leading to annihilation. Have no fear however, as it has already been decreed that the Light will be victorious, regardless of any attempts to prevent it. So do not worry about the outcome or be put out of your stride. All is proceeding as intended and will lead you to Ascension.

You are however, still largely kept in the dark as to what is happening out of your sight. Be assured however that the truth will soon emerge, and cannot be kept from you for much longer. It could be said that very little is really as you understand it at present, and as the details come out there will be both shock and joy at the same time. You will at first find it hard to accept that you could have been fooled for such a long time. However, your levels of consciousness are increasing, and with it comes the ability to see what has been hidden from your sight for ions of time. From our level of understanding we see you as a wonderful group of souls that have walked the fiery path, and proved that they can overcome whatever challenges have confronted them. It does not make any difference which group of souls you belong to, as all have had to face the dark Ones, overcome their challenges and rise up into the Light. It has been very difficult and has tested you to the limits, but you have prevailed and walk the path to freedom.

There are still obstacles on your path, but as Ones who have awakened they will not present any difficulties. You are now stronger in your beliefs and well on your way to the higher dimensions. You have certainly earnt your freedom and have overcome the need to return to the lower dimensions for further experience. Through them you can if desired now be a mentor to others still working their way through the Third Dimension. You have no real idea as to how much you are venerated and loved by those who understand what you have gone through to reach your present level. When you move into the higher dimensions you will be able to “see” your history of evolution that will also influence you as to your next challenge, all of which are to allow a continual increase in your level of consciousness. But this time it will be mostly peaceful with little to stand in your way to success………

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Ex British Ambassador Tells How UK, US, and George Bush Sr. Scripted Iraq and Afghanistan Wars [Watch] Feb 09, 2017

An ex-British government diplomat and ambassador of 20 years has come forward and given a public address about what he has witnessed on the ‘inside’ of the United Kingdom’s corrupt government. Craig Murray was once a very patriotic man, admittingly going into his ambassador’s position somewhat naïve. Only 6 months after accepting his position, Murray…

via Ex British Ambassador Tells How UK, US, and George Bush Sr. Scripted Iraq and Afghanistan Wars [Watch] — AnonHQ