Do we let this Happen? Look at the Vacancy — Rinus Verhagen – May 9, 2020

Do we let this Happen? Look at the Vacancy -- Rinus Verhagen

Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor

May 9, 2020

When a corrupt government has declared war on its own people to enforce Genocide against its own people, then it is time to take countermeasures.

Regardless of whether Yalta conference takes place or not, it concerns us so we can’t wait for the Rats to implement the NWO plans.

Don’t be influenced by negative news, know what you want and work on it together. →

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Transition to Another Paradigm of Freedom — Rinus Verhagen – December 28, 2019

Transition to Another Paradigm of Freedom

December 28, 2019

Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor

The Revaluation RV of national monetary system is now about to take place for 209 Sovereign Countries.

The Satanic Cabal Governments, out of greed that they can maintain their reign of terror and implement the fascist NWO, have agreed to a New Infrastructure through the AIIB.

The CO2 Lie and Nitrogen Fares was devised to expropriate the population for their Genocide Agenda 21/2030 in the sly act of killing many people, where the Migration misery must act to create Chaos.

As humanity we are trapped in a debt Fiat Money system that should function on trust but has proven to be a great deception.

The collapse of the current Cabal financial system will go at a rate comparable to a nuclear fusion reaction. →

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