What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Yesterday’s Chemical Attack in Syria – April 6, 2017

By Darius Shahtahmasebi On Tuesday, yet another chemical weapons attack occurred in Syria. This particular attack took place in the Idlib province, and dozens have reportedly died as a result. Syria is no stranger to chemical weapons attacks. In 2013, there were two notably devastating attacks, both of which the Obama administration used to try to…

via What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Yesterday’s Chemical Attack in Syria — The Daily Sheeple

Bayer-Monsanto: A “Marriage Made in Hell”? — The Truth About Cancer – Sept. 16, 2016

Monsanto has agreed to be sold to Bayer for $56.5 billion − a deal worth a total of $66 billion when Monsanto’s debt is taken into account. The combined company would be the world’s largest seller of both seeds and agrichemicals. Monsanto, arguably the most loathed GMO company on the face of the earth, has…

via Bayer-Monsanto: A “Marriage Made in Hell”? — The Truth About Cancer

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