Imagine That! CIA Stops Arming Terrorists in Syria, 600,000 Refugees Return Home — August 17, 2017

According to the International Organization for Migration, refugees are returning to Syria en masse, coincidentally, as the US stops arming ISIS….Read more

via Imagine That! CIA Stops Arming Terrorists in Syria, 600,000 Refugees Return Home — The Free Thought Project

America’s Catastrophic — and Illegal — Intervention in Syria Must Be Stopped, August 4, 2017

Toward the end of last year, leaked audio of then-Secretary of State John Kerry went viral across the independent media because it appeared to confirm that the U.S. was watching ISIS and allowing the group to grow in order to exert pressure on the Syrian government, a long-time adversary of the Obama administration. However, more stunning than this apparent…

via America’s Catastrophic — and Illegal — Intervention in Syria Must Be Stopped — The Daily Sheeple

Syria’s Assad Just Explained How America Really Works – May 26, 2017

Syria’s Assad Just Explained How America Really Works

Activist Post Syria’s Assad Just Explained How America Really Works MAY 23, 2017 By Brandon Turbeville While Americans endlessly battle each other over seemingly important choices like Clinton and Trump or Democrats and Republicans, it is clear that the majority of the population has little understanding of how the U.S. government operates. Yet, for those who pay…

via Syria’s Assad Just Explained How America Really Works — Galactic Connection

Photos From Syria Show White Helmets And Nusra/Qaeda Are The Same Organization[Videos&Photos] – May 2, 2017

Unlike journalists associated with the Western corporate media, Vanessa Beeley has been reporting from inside Syria on and off since early 2016. In many cases, while the Western corporate press was reporting in the most authoritative manner about the alleged “crimes against humanity” committed by the Syrian government in Aleppo despite having no one on…

via Photos From Syria Show White Helmets And Nusra/Qaeda Are The Same Organization — The Daily Sheeple

Evidence Shows The Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons (Rush) – April 11, 2017

We live in a world engulfed in conflict, turmoil, and deception. At the same time, we also live in a world full of love, beauty, honesty, and community. There exists a stark contrast between what is happening on our planet and what the masses desire. Poverty, war, greed, pollution, and more have sparked numerous humanitarian movements…

via Evidence Shows The Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons (Rush) — Collective Evolution

The Portal – MAKE THIS VIRAL! PEACE MEDITATION 2017-4-11 [April 8, 2017]

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of reaching planetary peace is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Full Moon…

via MAKE THIS VIRAL! PEACE MEDITATION 2017-4-11 — The Portal

The U.S. Just Bombed Syria. Here’s What to Do Next If You Want to Stop It – April 8, 2017

(ANTIMEDIA) The war drums appeared to have been put down for a brief moment when Trump administration announced in late March it would not seek to oust President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. But then a suspected chemical attack took place in the war-torn country, and the United States — lacking an in-depth investigation — blamed it…

via The U.S. Just Bombed Syria. Here’s What to Do Next If You Want to Stop It — The Anti-Media

Evidence on Syria Chemical Attack As False Flag – April 7, 2017

via Evidence on Syria Chemical Attack As False Flag — Ready for Disclosure

Bevis tyder på att kemiska attacken i Syrien var en falskflaggattack – April 7, 2017

Massmedia i väst har verkat för att eskalera konflikten med krav på attacker mot Syrien efter den påstådda kemiska attacken i Syrien. Men vem är det egentligen som tjänar på att Assads regering störtas? The post Bevis tyder på att kemiska attacken i Syrien var en falskflaggattack appeared first on

via Bevis tyder på att kemiska attacken i Syrien var en falskflaggattack —

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Yesterday’s Chemical Attack in Syria – April 6, 2017

By Darius Shahtahmasebi On Tuesday, yet another chemical weapons attack occurred in Syria. This particular attack took place in the Idlib province, and dozens have reportedly died as a result. Syria is no stranger to chemical weapons attacks. In 2013, there were two notably devastating attacks, both of which the Obama administration used to try to…

via What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Yesterday’s Chemical Attack in Syria — The Daily Sheeple