Face Masks is Health Hazard | The Final Wakeup Call – July 22, 2020

Pandemic is a Hoax

Problem- Reaction- Solution is the Cheat

Get Acquainted with Your Greatest Enemy

The Great Awakening

Freedom is happiness

Presented as Soundcloud recording

Source: Final Wakeup CallJuly 22, 2020

How people intentionally are made sick

The Corona pandemic was and is not deadly for humanity, but has a deadly effect on economics. International mobility screeched to a halt, which devastated industries like tourism, travel, hotel & restaurant business, and broke down global supply chains. Governments are closing businesses and churches and forcing people to stay home. Politicians who promise to pay your rent or send you a check are soaring in popularity. While no one realizes it is all fake money, ending up with hyperinflation. In other words, these promises are a big scam. 

The bought criminal and corrupt puppet governments increased their authority by imposing fascistic watertight rules and restrictions on the wearing of face masks, social distancing and body temperature checks in public areas such as airports, train stations and supermarkets. Even after the virus had subsided, this dictatorial control and oversight continues or is even intensified. Continue Reading →

and video: “George Carlin – Germs, Immune System” (6:26) & Soundcloud: “Face Masks is Health Hazard – by Peter B Meyer, ed Erica Lynn Joseph (7.25.2020)” (19:27) via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Gezichtsmaskers zijn gevaarlijk voor gezondheid

De Pandemie is Bedriegerij Probleem-reactie-oplossing is het Bedrog Leer je grootste vijand kennen De Grote Ontwaking Vrijheid is blijheid   Hoe mensen opzettelijk ziek worden gemaakt De Corona-pandemie was en is niet dodelijk voor de mensheid, maar heeft een dodelijkContinue Reading →

Deutsch: Gesichtsmasken sind gesundheitsschädlich

Die Pandemie ist Täuschung Problem-Reaktions-Lösung ist das Doppelspiel Lernen Sie Ihren größten Feind kennen Das große Erwachen Freiheit ist Freude   Wie Menschen absichtlich krankgemacht werden Die Corona-Pandemie hat und wird die Menschheit nicht töten, hat jedoch tödliche Auswirkungen auf…Continue Reading →

Economic Corona Damage — The Final Wakeup Call – June 24, 2020

House arrest and liberty restriction are a rehearsal for your NWO-imprisonment

Businesses stopped doing business – Consumers stopped consuming

The end of the existing global financial debt-money system

People need to see for themselves what is going on

Mass awakening is urgently required

Quarantine is Imprisonment on Soundcloud

Final Wakeup Call –  June 24, 2020

Diabolical Plan behind Corona

Taking a few steps back – it is clear, it is no coincidence that the entire world is stricken by the same virus and virtually at the same time. That does not happen naturally – but can happen, as it did, when the virus is artificially implanted in every country – and that at the same time. So, there is a diabolical plan behind this so-called corona-crisis which does not even have to be a crisis, when looked at real disease cases and death rates – not the inflated fear-inspiring ones, as has been proven by Italy and Switzerland.

The world has arrived in a ‘Wondrous New Age’, where anything is possible no matter how ridiculous it is. With free money only with exception of the people themselves, because they are on their trajectory for imprisonment into the New World Order. By stripping step by step away their constitutional liberties. And now being quarantined they have lost their free movement, to becoming accustomed to inconvenient restrictions. Being increased gradually every time a little more till eventually they are settled in their prison cell before they realise it. Continue Reading →

& Podcast: “Quarantine is Imprisonment – Written by Peter B Meyer (6.17.2020)” (15:29) via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Economische coronaschade

Huisarrest en vrijheidsbeknotting is voorbereiding voor NWO-gevangenneming Bedrijven zijn gestopt zaken te doen – Consumenten gestopt met consumeren Het einde van het wereldwijde financieel geldsysteem Mensen moeten zelf inzien wat er aan de hand is Massaontwaking is dringend nodig Quarantine…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Wirtschaftlicher Korona Schaden

Hausarrest und Freiheitsbeschränkung bereiten euren NWO-Inhaftierung vor Unternehmen haben aufgehört Geschäfte zu machen Verbraucher zu konsumieren Das Ende des bestehenden globalen Finanz-Geldsystems Die Leute müssen selbst sehen, was los ist Massen Erwachen ist dringend erforderlich Quarantäne ist Inhaftierung aufs Soundcloud…Continue Reading →