VIDEO X 2: X22 Report 2771 — [JB] Falls Right Into The Trap, Setup Complete || Pieces Have Been Moved Into Place, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End

By X22 Report – Published May 10, 2022

Ep. 2771a – [JB] Falls Right Into The Trap, Setup Complete

The Biden administration trapped themselves in their own lies, everyone saw inflation coming a year ago, they are trying to explain it now and tackle the inflation they caused. Trump confirms that the economy is a disaster, setup complete. El Salvador buys the dip.


Ep. 2771b – Pieces Have Been Moved Into Place, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End

Durham is making his move, [HRC] and company are now panicking, the pressure is on. 2000 mules have been released and the people are seeing how the election was stolen. The criminal syndicate used the same technique that the cartels use to smuggle drugs. Those individuals how were the mules are the same individuals who were in the BLM riots. The pieces have been moved into place, Musk says he will reinstate Trump on Twitter. Treason doesn’t pay well in the end. The storm is approaching.


All source links to the report can be found on the site.

(Interview) 2nd Source on Jupiter Meetings & Galactic Federation Intervention in Solar System |


A second source on an alleged set of meetings above Jupiter has come forward to share more details of what occurred and more startling information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds intervening in our solar system. Megan Rose is a registered nurse in the US State of Florida who claims to be an extraterrestrial contactee with the Galactic Federation.

Read more & video interview(52:11): 2nd Source on Jupiter Meetings & Galactic Federation Intervention in Solar System —