VIDEO: THE LAST WAVE OF DARKNESS ~ UPDATE NOV 26 2022 | Elena Danaan Message

Elena Danaan – Premiered Nov 26, 2022




Arcturian Support for Humanity’s New Future ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton – July 11, 2021

arcturian support for humanity's new future - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very curious about the next steps you are going to take as a human collective. We can see many positive possibilities for you as you ride the wave of positive energies that have been coming in to support you at this time. We have noticed that more and more people are stepping up to be a part of a positive future for humanity, in spite of all of the predictions that make it seem like your future is outside of your control. And we know that those of you who receive these messages are a big enough group to make a difference there on Earth and to bring so many more people with you on a positive timeline, one that includes baby steps forward, without cataclysms, without massive numbers of deaths.

Read more:

John F. Kennedy via Losha | April 25, 2021 — Voyages of Light

Voyages of Light | Channeled by Losha – April 25, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy – A Transcription

Hello, this is JFK, or Jack, as I like to be called. I welcome all my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers tonight, and I am just going to give a brief message…and it is about the hope for our future, and it is not very far away, truthfully. In fact, as many of you know, it is already happening behind the scenes…there are many, many positive things happening already. We are just now getting closer to when they are coming out into the Light, so to speak…and that is going to be a wondrous time!

Read more: John F. Kennedy via Losha | April 25, 2021 — Voyages of Light

(Video) Charlie Ward: Nesara – Gesara How it works – explained with Jack Kidd & Charlie Ward (ReRun) – Sept 13, 2020

Source: Charles Ward

Premiered Sept 13


QFS and Gold is End of Slavery — The Final Wakeup Call – July 1, 2020

Fundamental problem with money-printing

Gold is our lifesaver

The distinction between Debt and Money

The central bank fiat money system is kaput

Source: Final Wakeup Call 

July 1, 2020

Money backed by debt is a crime against humanity

In today’s society, not only do people around the world take it for granted that paper is money, but that it should be so. Which is nonsense! Hundreds of years ago, when travelling, people accepted bank notes called traveller cheque because they knew the reputations of the banks issuing them was a reputable. Once arrived, a local bank, that knew the reputation of the bank that had issued your notes, could issue you new notes in local currency, etc. There was no central authority to certify these notes. But today, people don’t think that way. They think it takes a government to assure the value of money. Continue Reading →

via QFS and Gold is End of Slavery — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Nederlands: QFS en Goud eindigen onze slavernij

Fundamenteel probleem met het drukken van geld Goud is onze redder uit de nood Het onderscheid tussen schuld en geld Het fiatgeldsysteem van de centrale banken is kapot   Schuldgeld is een misdaad tegen de mensheid In de huidige samenleving…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: QFS und Gold beenden unsere Sklaverei

Grundlegendes Problem beim Drucken von Geld Gold ist unser Lebensretter Den Unterschied zwischen Schulden und Geld Das Fiat-Geldsystem der Zentralbank ist kaputt   Schuldgeld ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit In der heutigen Gesellschaft ist es nicht nur selbstverständlich, dass…Continue Reading →

Straight from the Heart from Valerie Donner | January 7, 2020 — Voyages of Light

(Voyages of Light)

Straight from the Heart

January 7, 2020

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the message from Apollo, January 3, 2020:

“Your notoriety as a planet will become even greater as you finally conquer the forces of evil. You are in this process now and we are completely with you. All of the plans are being activated now. If you breathe deeply you can begin to feel the changes. Focus on what heaven on earth will feel like and breathe in truth and the light. There is no escape for the dark ones. Their time is over. Expect to see them acting out through anger but turn your backs to them. They no longer have a stronghold on you. You are in a new day and a new era. Your true purpose in life will be revealed. Stand tall and courageous because you are the brave hearts of creation just for being on the earth at this time. Feel the joy and celebrations that are coming and be pleased with yourselves for all of your hard work.” →

Read more via Straight from the Heart from Valerie Donner | January 7, 2020 — Voyages of Light

Mira from the Pleiadean High Council: — Era of Light – December 5, 2018

Greetings I am Mira. I greet you today from the Earth Council where I have been working for over six of your earth years. My job is to assist the earth’s Ascension process. I am here to assist you as you move into higher consciousness. At this time, I would like to assist you with…..Read more

via Mira from the Pleiadean High Council: — Era of Light