We Need to Wake Up to Protect Our Basic Freedoms | Wake Up World – April 17th, 2020

By Rachel Horton White

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In this time, bringing in light to envelope the world is essential to eliminate the control by those who want to create dystopian totalitarianism.

This is an important time not only to pray for humanity’s freedom, and also to speak up that we do not consent to the mass surveillance/tracking/forced vaccinations that are being proposed right now. This is part of the New World Order agenda that I am pretty sure most of us do not want to live in (they are counting on people, out of their fear of getting sick, to cede all freedom to the government). This is not only an illegal breach of our Constitutional rights, but violates Divine laws of free will. Unless, of course the people consent. →

Read more via We Need to Wake Up to Protect Our Basic Freedoms — Wake Up World

Our Energetic Transmissions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – July 30, 2019

Our Energetic Transmissions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so interested in how you respond to energy that we continuously send different strands of energy to you. Ultimately, all we want to do is learn how to best help humanity and others like you who are existing in other parts of the galaxy in the fourth dimension. And so, we study those reactions that you have to different energetic transmissions. What we are noticing at this particular time in human history is that you are responding quite well to a very unique strand of energy, a very unique flavor.

Read more via Our Energetic Transmissions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling