Fear induced financial crash | The [F]inal [W]akeup [C]all

Covid Hoax is psychological warfare
Economic destruction
Central Bank Money Printing Funds the Rich
People are Slave Workers on the Plantation
COVID-19 is Fear and Hysteria
Counterfeit money transfers real wealth

By The [F]inal [W]akeup [C]all – Oct 21, 2020

Not about saving Lives, but to implement the New World Order

The fake pandemic constitutes an act of economic warfare against humanity which has resulted in global poverty and mass unemployment. It has ground business to a halt, while Politicians are lying. Neither the lockdown nor the closing down of national economies constitute a solution to the public health crisis. Why are politicians deceitful?

They are the corrupt political instruments of the financial establishment including the “Ultra-rich philanthropists” like George Soros, Bill Gates, etc. Their task is to carry out their global economic restructuring project which consists in freezing economic activity Worldwide. Continue Reading →

Fear induced financial crash — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Angst leidt de financiële crash

Covid Hoax is psychologische oorlogsvoering Economische vernietiging Central Bank drukt het geld voor de Rijken Mensen zijn slavenarbeiders op de plantage COVID-19 is Angst en Hysteria Nepgeld draagt ​wel echte rijkdom over   Het gaat niet om redden van levens, maar…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Angst führt zum finanziellen Absturz

Covid Hoax ist psychologische Kriegsführung Wirtschaftliche Zerstörung Die Zentralbank druckt das Geld für die Reichen Menschen sind Sklavenarbeiter auf der Plantage COVID-19 ist angst und Hysterie Falschgeld überträgt also echten Reichtum   Es geht nicht um Leben zu retten, sondern…Continue Reading →

Tanzania’s President Tests Pawpaw Fruit For COVID-19 & It Tested Positive: “Something Is Happening” — Collective Evolution – May 4, 2020

(Collective Evolution)  Coronavirus test kits that’ve been sent to Tanzania, Africa, have come under fire from their president, John Magufuli. Magufuli is claiming that coronavirus testing kits are faulty, given the fact that they have returned positive results on samples taken from a pawpaw fruit as well as a goat.

After the testing kits were imported from abroad, he ordered Tanzanian security forces to check the quality of the kits. To do this, they obtained multiple non-human samples, which also included a pawpaw, a goat and a sheep. They assigned them human names and ages and were then submitted to Tanzania’s laboratory for coronavirus testing, all the while the lab technicians were deliberately left unaware of the origins of the samples. →

Read more via Tanzania’s President Tests Pawpaw Fruit For COVID-19 & It Tested Positive: “Something Is Happening” — Collective Evolution

We Need to Wake Up to Protect Our Basic Freedoms | Wake Up World – April 17th, 2020

By Rachel Horton White

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In this time, bringing in light to envelope the world is essential to eliminate the control by those who want to create dystopian totalitarianism.

This is an important time not only to pray for humanity’s freedom, and also to speak up that we do not consent to the mass surveillance/tracking/forced vaccinations that are being proposed right now. This is part of the New World Order agenda that I am pretty sure most of us do not want to live in (they are counting on people, out of their fear of getting sick, to cede all freedom to the government). This is not only an illegal breach of our Constitutional rights, but violates Divine laws of free will. Unless, of course the people consent. →

Read more via We Need to Wake Up to Protect Our Basic Freedoms — Wake Up World