Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation |

(Natural News) Nothing about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is based on facts and reason, it turns out. Attorney Thomas Renz said the whole thing is an exercise in fear and manipulation. At a recent Reawaken America tour event, Renz presented a slideshow explaining how the entire system, including government agencies, the mainstream media and Big Pharma, have been lying to the public to push more tyranny and sell more drugs.

Read more & video(15:37): Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation —

EXPOSED! FAKE DOCTORS Pushing Jab! – BREAKING! CDC Says Pregnant Women Should Inoculate | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show – Published August 11, 2021


Fear induced financial crash | The [F]inal [W]akeup [C]all

Covid Hoax is psychological warfare
Economic destruction
Central Bank Money Printing Funds the Rich
People are Slave Workers on the Plantation
COVID-19 is Fear and Hysteria
Counterfeit money transfers real wealth

By The [F]inal [W]akeup [C]all – Oct 21, 2020

Not about saving Lives, but to implement the New World Order

The fake pandemic constitutes an act of economic warfare against humanity which has resulted in global poverty and mass unemployment. It has ground business to a halt, while Politicians are lying. Neither the lockdown nor the closing down of national economies constitute a solution to the public health crisis. Why are politicians deceitful?

They are the corrupt political instruments of the financial establishment including the “Ultra-rich philanthropists” like George Soros, Bill Gates, etc. Their task is to carry out their global economic restructuring project which consists in freezing economic activity Worldwide. Continue Reading →

Fear induced financial crash — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Angst leidt de financiële crash

Covid Hoax is psychologische oorlogsvoering Economische vernietiging Central Bank drukt het geld voor de Rijken Mensen zijn slavenarbeiders op de plantage COVID-19 is Angst en Hysteria Nepgeld draagt ​wel echte rijkdom over   Het gaat niet om redden van levens, maar…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Angst führt zum finanziellen Absturz

Covid Hoax ist psychologische Kriegsführung Wirtschaftliche Zerstörung Die Zentralbank druckt das Geld für die Reichen Menschen sind Sklavenarbeiter auf der Plantage COVID-19 ist angst und Hysterie Falschgeld überträgt also echten Reichtum   Es geht nicht um Leben zu retten, sondern…Continue Reading →

Artificial Economic Crisis | The Final Wakeup Call – July 15, 2020

Central bank economy is going down

Unemployment soaring to heights never experienced

Diabolical Plan Collapses Economic Activity 

Imperial New World Agenda in progress w/o military intervention


The Final Wakeup CallJuly 15, 2020

New emerging reality

Misery without an end. And what is seen now is only the tiny tip of the iceberg. The worst is still to come – when in a few weeks or months a clearer picture will emerge of what industries will live or die, and more people will be relegated to economic paupers.

The world has become an insane asylum but the majority of society is too much asleep to notice the insanity about what is happening with the Coronavirus pandemic. It is of the highest importance, more people around the globe are waking up to the new emerging reality and understand that what historically has been taught, socialised and raised to believe government as the truth, is nothing else but an example of outright propaganda bullshit. Continue Reading →

via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Artificial Economic Crisis

Central bank economy is going down Unemployment soaring to heights never experienced Diabolical Plan Collapses Economic Activity  Imperial New World Agenda in progress w/o military intervention New emerging reality Misery without an end. And what is seen now is onlyContinue Reading →

Deutsch: Gekünstelte Wirtschaftskrise

Die Zentralbankwirtschaft bricht zusammen Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist auf ein beispielloses Niveau angestiegen Der Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaftstätigkeit ist ein Teufelsplan Imperial New World Agenda läuft ohne militärische Intervention   Neu entstandene Realität Elend ohne Ende. Was jetzt zu sehen ist, istContinue Reading →

Statistics Show The MMR Vaccine Kills More People Than The Measles Does — Collective Evolution – April 6, 2019

Right now, as we’ve seen before, there is a lot of talk about measles within the mainstream. Multiple states are trying to enforce mandatory vaccination policies for children not only in schools, but in public places as well. This type of action completely contradicts facts about measles as well as the measles vaccine, more specifically the MMR vaccine.

What we are seeing from the media, which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained is completely compromised by Big Pharma and oil , is a massive fear campaign, blaming recent outbreaks of measles on unvaccinated children in order to further drive mandatory vaccination policies. But there is one problem: Measles outbreaks have been occurring in highly vaccinated populations since the inception of the vaccine. Not only have multiple studies shown vaccinated people getting the measles, but vaccinated individuals themselves can shed their virus and spread it to others as well.

Read more & video: “Everything You Need To Know About vaccines | The Collective Evolution Show | Ep 2” (1:06:13) via Statistics Show The MMR Vaccine Kills More People Than The Measles Does — Collective Evolution