Avoiding Gluten Good For More Than Just Celiacs, Study Confirms

If listening to your body has lead you to identify gluten as a health problem and you feel better after removing it, a study adds to an already extensive body of research that the rapidly expanding gluten free movement is not a fad as critics claim. The gluten free (GF) movement has taken on powerful…

via Avoiding Gluten Good For More Than Just Celiacs, Study Confirms — The Sleuth Journal

The Grain That Damages The Human Brain – April 16, 2017

With increasing recognition among medical professionals and the lay public alike that the health of gut and brain are intimately connected (i.e. the ‘gut-brain‘ axis), the concept that gluten-containing grains can damage the human brain is beginning to be taken more seriously. Books like Dr. William Davis’ New York Times best-selling Wheat Belly made great…

via The Grain That Damages The Human Brain — The Sleuth Journal