Tragic “side effect” of the COVID pandemic: Does anyone notice this? | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | November 10, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly the COVID-19 mitigation measures such as lockdowns and unconstitutional COVID shot mandates – has been troubling to witness.  Job loss is rampant in the United States, and the rate of job growth, described by NPR as “anemic” in August, has been underwhelming, to say the least.

Now, thousands of hard-working Americans are about to be fired or barred from entry to public places, lest they give in to coercion and roll up their sleeves for a COVID injection.  Is medical segregation and discrimination really that easy to normalize … especially given how “effective” these shots actually are?

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BREAKING: Data on 5.6 million Medicare patients DESTROY narrative of “pandemic of the unjabbed” | NaturalHealth365

by: Edit Lang, staff writer | October 5, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  Although relying on mainstream media as a source of information has proven to be a fallible idea with dire consequences, a significant portion of the population continues to believe that what they see and hear on TV is true.  Millions are under the impression that the Fauci/Biden narrative claiming we are amid a “pandemic of the unjabbed” is true and that taking the COVID shot is the only way to “get back to normal.”

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BREAKING: Biden mandates COVID jab, threatens livelihood of millions of Americans | NaturalHealth365

by: Edit Lang, staff writer | September 14, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  And there it was on live T.V. for everyone in the world to see.  On September 9, 2021, Joe Biden announced the forced inoculation of millions of Americans under the threat of imminent unemployment, poverty, and starvation.  Members of the military, the federal government, the healthcare industry, and millions working in the private sector are now forced up against the wall: get jabbed or robbed of your livelihood.

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CDC DECEPTION: Agency uses definition of “unvaxxed” to scare people into taking the jab | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | September 4, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Ever heard the term “moving the goalposts?”  It means “unfairly altering the conditions or rules of a procedure during its course.”

Some might use this phrase to describe what’s been happening in Israel over the COVID shot.  It was recently announced by the Wall Street Journal and other outlets that Israeli officials no longer consider someone fully vaxxed if they have only received the initial two doses of the injection – instead, fully vaxxed people must have received the third booster shot, too!

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