After Watching How Gummy Candies Are Really Made, You’ll Never Eat Them Again (Disturbing & Graphic) — Collective Evolution – Sept. 10, 2016

Oh the beauty of childhood. A time of endless exploration, ignorant bliss, and a never-ending desire to inhale the entire candy store. As adults, we all know the dangers of such treats, both for our waistlines and our longevity. But, every now and then, a childhood treat makes an appearance, and sometimes, we simply can’t…

via After Watching How Gummy Candies Are Really Made, You’ll Never Eat Them Again (Disturbing & Graphic) — Collective Evolution

FreeEnergy – Keshe Foundation – Space Institute – Sept.10, 2016


The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer M.T. Keshe that aims to develop new scientific knowledge, new technologies and new solutions to major global problems like famine, water shortage, lack of electrical power supply, climate change, and disease, through the use of specially developed  plasma reactors which will also give Mankind the real freedom to travel in deep Space.

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Space Technology, Motion Without Burning Fuels, Heat, Energy, Health, Agriculture, New Materials

Magrav plasma units, Magrav plasma generator, Healing Pads, Pain Relief Pens, Nano coated coils, Gans coated coils, Star formation

Space technology that is now being developed will allow humanity to be members of the space community.

Humans have been focused on the physical aspect of life and now are starting to understand and embrace plasmatic science that explains the plasma energy system of the universe, our Sun, our Earth, our bodies, and each and every atom, plus each and every proton, neutron and electron.  So you see – there isn’t ANY THING that doesn’t have a plasma field AND there isn’t ANY THING that isn’t in a plasma field.

Each human, tree, drop of water … has a plasma field of it’s own and is in the plasma field of the Earth. And all planets in our solar system have a plasma field of their own and all are in the plasma field of the Sun…as it can be said…each cell has a plasma field of it’s own plus is in the plasma field of the body.

Read more at: https:

Federal Government Halts Construction Of Pipeline Project. Here’s How You Can Get Active NOW (HELP) — Collective Evolution – Sept. 10, 2016

The federal government has now stepped into the ongoing fight regarding the Dakota Access oil pipeline. On Friday, they ordered work to be temporarily stopped on one segment of the project in North Dakota, asking the Texas-based company in charge of building it to “voluntarily pause” action due to an American Indian tribe urging that the area holds…

via Federal Government Halts Construction Of Pipeline Project. Here’s How You Can Get Active NOW (HELP) — Collective Evolution

EU-US Trade Deal: Organized Crime on a Grand Scale — Galactic Connection – Sept.10, 2016

Veteran’s Todayby Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer “present” or “not guilty”… Teddy Roosevelt Funeral arrangements are already being made for the almost dead Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, which have reached the stage…

via EU-US Trade Deal: Organized Crime on a Grand Scale — Galactic Connection

EU-US Trade Deal: Organized Crime on a Grand Scale

The THRIVE Documentary: What On Earth Will It Take? (To Change It) — Collective Evolution – Sept. 09, 2016

Looking for a good documentary to watch? THRIVE is an excellent choice, and one of the best documentaries ever made that touches on what’s really happening in our world., and addresses the questions that more and more people are asking every single year. It’s a bit of an unconventional documentary, exploring topics that many people…

via The THRIVE Documentary: What On Earth Will It Take? (To Change It) — Collective Evolution