Hundreds of Thousands March Against US Presence in Iraq in Largest Protest Baghdad Has Ever Seen — Prepare For Change – January 26, 2020








Iraq’s high cleric Muqtada calls and Iraqis pour out

By Marko Marjanovic,








More via Hundreds of Thousands March Against US Presence in Iraq in Largest Protest Baghdad Has Ever Seen — Prepare For Change

St. Germain Needs all Lightworkers to Hold the Energy | Sacred Heart Flame — Voyages of Light – January 25, 2020

222 Energies – Master Saint Germain needs all lightworkers to hold the energy

Voyages of Light  Governments throughout the world no longer honor or listen to those they lead. They are influenced and co-opted by banks, corporations and organizations – multinational and local. The results: unprecedented human suffering, crippling financial hardships, tremendous loss of animal life, devastating destruction of natural resources and habitat. The corruption in all executive, judicial and legislative arenas is so deeply entrenched that it is beyond correction or repair. Leadership roles in and for humanity must be deeply examined and thoughtfully redefined and restructured by all, at every level. We invite you to bring your energy and love to prepare this world and all life for the transitions that must take place. →

Read more via St. Germain Needs all Lightworkers to Hold the Energy | Sacred Heart Flame — Voyages of Light

The No Bases Campaign — – January 11, 2020


The closing of U.S. bases and the removal of U.S. military personnel are critical to the elimination of war.

The United States has more than 150,000 military troops deployed outside the United States on more than 800 bases (some estimates are more than 1000) in 160 countries, and all 7 continents. These bases are the central feature of U.S. foreign policy which is one of coercion and threat of military aggression. The U.S. uses these bases in a tangible way to preposition troops and weaponry in the event they are “needed” at a moment’s notice, and also as a manifestation of U.S. imperialism and global domination, and as a constant implicit threat. Additionally, because of a history of military aggression, countries with U.S. bases are targets for attack.

There are two principal problems with foreign military bases: →

Read more & videos via

Matthew Wards via Suzy Ward, January 9th, 2020


January 9, 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your calendar year 2020 had an intense beginning, with fires raging in Australia and saber rattling by leaders in Iran and the United States. In reply to your comments and questions about these situations, we shall first address the devastating bushfires.

They are not Mother Nature’s doing. Arson is involved and so is weather manipulation technology, which Illuminati minions are using to prevent heavy rains and to create gusting and shifting winds. →

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Iranians Flood Twitter With Photos of Favorite Cultural Sites as US Threatens Destruction – Collective-Evolution – January 8, 2020



The Facts:

Iranians responded to U.S. President Donald Trump’s to strike sites “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” with an outpouring of photos highlighting their favorite mosques, museums, monuments, and other stunning architecture.

Reflect On:

The reasons used to justify war are often lies, and propaganda is used, in many forms, to justify military action in the minds of the masses. People are waking up, but how much longer will this continue. 

Iranians responded to U.S. President Donald Trump’s to strike sites “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” with an outpouring of photos highlighting their favorite mosques, museums, monuments, and other stunning architecture.Using the hashtag #IranianCulturalSites, Iranians flooded Twitter with hundreds of photos of locations and structures filled with personal and historical significance.

Read more & photos via

MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019 — The Portal – October 11, 2019


(The Portal)  It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Mercury transit on November 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system.
Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Breakthrough closer to us: →

Read more via MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019 — The Portal

Me – December 31, 2018 – Happy New Year 2019 – Gott Nytt År 2019

man with fireworks
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on


Hi All 🙂

Thanks to all who are working for the Planetary Liberation – Humanity´s freedom.

Thank you President Trump & Melania with administration

Thank you President Putin

Thank you President Xi Jinping 

Thank you the White Hats

Thank you the Alliance

Thank you the Galactics – space brothers and space sisters 

Thanks to all others who also works for the Planetary Liberation – Humanity´s freedom

Thank you all my readers

Thank you all!

Happy New Year 2019 – Gott Nytt År 2019!

Love and Light/TheLightHasWon


“Message for all Humanity” – (Video) – December 29, 2018

Published on Dec 26, 2011

Charlie Chaplin’s inspirational final speech in “The Great Dictator” 

One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin in the movie “The Great Dictator”. If you like what you see please share the video any way you can and pass the message on, thanks!

Mass Arrests vs. Deep State Operatives Imminent — Covert Geopolitics – December 23, 2018

Various events leading to the US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw an estimated 2,000 US troops from Syria and at least half of the 14,000 from Afghanistan are creating a very positive picture about the long sought mass arrests of people involved in the systematic destruction of resource rich countries, and the overall deterioration….Read more & videos

via Mass Arrests vs. Deep State Operatives Imminent — Covert Geopolitics

Steve Beckow — Wear Yellow on Saturdays to Say: We’re Awake, We’re Aware, We’re United – December 14, 2018

Wear Yellow on Saturdays to Say: We’re Awake, We’re Aware, We’re United

December 14, 2018

Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow

Credit: Hindustan Times

I’d like to see people around the world wearing yellow every Saturday.

I invite people everywhere to join in.

What we’d mean to say by it is this:

“We’re awake, we’re aware, we’re united.”

“We want peace and justice. We’re joining in the wearing of this color to secure them, peacefully.”

Anything yellow will do. A yellow shirt. A yellow shawl. Even a yellow ribbon.

And restricting it to one day a week, and a day when most people are not working, should make it do-able.

If millions participated until we achieve our aims, we could tip (1) public awareness, (2) public willingness to learn, and (3) public willingness to speak out and in other ways peacefully demonstrate.

Just one symbol can spark an experience of global unity that could change the face of the world. The assassination of John Kennedy was an example of such a spark. 9/11 was another.

But somehow we weren’t willing to act then. The sparks fell on wet ground. We regretted and adjusted and went on with life.

Years later, we see how deep the depravity in world leadership has gone – child trafficking and sacrifice, ubiquitous sexual harassment, the suppression of women in many countries, child labor, impoverishment, war, and genocide (eg., Indian children in Canada). We know how bad the situation is.

Never in human history have so many been oppressed by so few.

This is definitely a crossroads for the world. Do we tolerate the New World Order’s control over the world another day, another week, another year, with large numbers lost to child trafficking or regional wars, or do we take the world back – peacefully?

We’re ending the global suppression. The wearing of yellow is our declaration of independence. (1)

Timing is important. The matter is up now. The protest of the yellow vests in France is spreading. This is the time to act on expressing our solidarity with the people of France and the downtrodden of the world (among them, us).

We make this global declaration: We’re awake, aware, and united. Wearing yellow is our way of expressing it.

We invite all officers of the law and military forces to join us in restoring peace and justice to the world. Wear yellow.


(1) Someone create a #YellowForPeace.

Credit: Operation Disclosure