93% Of Autopsies Reveal People Who Were Vaccinated With Covid-19 Jab Died From Vaccine | Prepare For Change

Prepare For Change | By Edward Morgan – January 17, 2022

By Nemos News Network,

The Covid-19 jab was implicated in 93% of the deaths in people who were autopsied. The most interesting point to note is the original coroner or public prosecutor claimed that they were not due to the genocide jab. Initially, fifteen bodies were examined, from ages 28 to 95. They had died from 7 days to 6 months after “vaccination.” However, further examination revealed that the clot shot was the cause of death in 14 of 15 patients. The most attacked organ was the heart, but other organs were involved such as the lungs and liver. The significance of these findings is baffling, since there is a potential of millions of deaths.

Read more: 93% Of Autopsies Reveal People Who Were Vaccinated With Covid-19 Jab Died From Vaccine — Prepare For Change

Real Raw News: Deep State Unveils Newsom Doppelganger

By Michael Baxter – November 9, 2021

As predicted, the Deep State unveiled a Gavin Newsom doppelganger only days after this website (and others) reported that the real Gavin Newsom had become seriously ill after getting his 3rd Covid-19 jab. Although we alone reported conclusively that he had been taken into military custody and shipped to GITMO to face a military tribunal, other conservative sites at least acknowledged that his prolonged silence and absence were related to the Covid-19 clot-shot.

Read more: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/deep-state-unveils-newsom-doppelganger/

WARNING: COVID-19 jab triggers false breast cancer diagnosis, according to doctors | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | October 16, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  While it’s being brushed off in mainstream media as a “surprising new side effect,” false-positive breast cancer diagnoses are becoming more and more common following the COVID shot.

A group of doctors from Utah is now issuing new guidelines for mammogram screening among women recently jabbed with either the Pfizer or Moderna injection.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/false-breast-cancer-diagnosis-3408.html

Family doctor BLOWS THE WHISTLE on “extreme side effects” of Moderna vaccine, explains how the “vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19” | NaturalNews.com

Friday, July 02, 2021 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) The whole premise of getting a vaccine is based on the supposed science that proves there is more of a threat from the disease than the vaccine itself. Yet, three months after getting vaccinated with the Moderna Covid-19 jab, six of this doctor’s patients are STILL experiencing severe neurological side effects, and they only got the first shot. Was it worth it?

Read more: Family doctor BLOWS THE WHISTLE on “extreme side effects” of Moderna vaccine, explains how the “vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19” — NaturalNews.com

Capillary Leak Syndrome – Another Side Effect Of AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine | GreatGameIndia

By GreatGameIndia – June 12, 2021

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) safety committee has added another blood condition to the potential side effects of AstraZeneca’s vaccine branded as Covishield in India – the Capillary Leak Syndrome.

Read more: Capillary Leak Syndrome – Another Side Effect Of AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine — GreatGameIndia

Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking out about COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects | Health Impact News

Comments by Brian Shilhavy – May 31, 2021
Editor, Health Impact News

Last month we published an interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada.

Read more: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/canadian-doctor-removed-from-hospital-duty-after-speaking-out-about-covid-vaccine-side-effects/

Eric Clapton blames one-sided propaganda for his “disastrous” COVID jab experience | NaturalHealth365


by: Edit Lang, staff writer | May 19, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) When Eric Clapton, the British rock and blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter, decided to line up for the COVID-19 jab, he did not doubt the safety of the shot.  Thanks to the British government, the health authorities implemented an effective campaign to reassure the masses that getting the jab was not only necessary but absolutely safe.

But Eric Clapton’s experience with the shot was not what he expected.  In fact, it was so “disastrous” that he began questioning the massive propaganda pushed by the government.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/disastrous-covid-jab-experience-3837.html

Elon Musk turns down coronavirus vaccine, claims pandemic “diminished his faith in humanity” | NaturalNews.com

March 15, 2021 by: Ramon Tomey

(Natural News) Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he does not plan to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus. He said during a September 2020 podcast interview that he does not need a vaccine as he and his family are “not at risk.” The 49-year-old SpaceX founder also slammed large-scale lockdowns as a “grave mistake.” Musk remarked that the pandemic had diminished his faith in humanity due to people’s “irrational responses” toward it.

Read more: Elon Musk turns down coronavirus vaccine, claims pandemic “diminished his faith in humanity” — NaturalNews.com