Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – July 12, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

We are now seeing more records of side effects from the pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for the most recent age group authorized by the FDA, babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old. This age group was authorized to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines less than 1 month ago, on June 17th.

In the most recent update to the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database this past Friday (July 8, 2021), 123 new records were added to this age group, with 137 cases now recorded since the FDA authorization. (Source.)

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Medical professionals break silence on covid “vaccines” and the widespread harm they’re causing |

Monday, June 14, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) Many state governments have told citizens they can’t “go back to normal” until they are injected twice with engineered spike protein software (aka “covid vaccines.”) The terms “antivax” and “vaccine hesitancy” were developed to degrade and divide people, while forfeiting the informed consent principle. People need more information, not coercion. People need an honest interpretation of these vaccine studies and their diagnostic criteria, not more fraud. The world needs more transparency on this experimental protocol and more respect for human dignity and the right of self-decision. People DO NOT need more terror, bribery, theft, isolation, discrimination, virtue signaling, censorship, propaganda, suppression of natural immune system solutions, abuse, social ostracizing, false advertising, deceit, fraud, segregation and threats. Most importantly, no one should feel that they have to physically abuse themselves to please another human being, or have basic rights.

Medical professionals break silence on covid “vaccines” and the widespread harm they’re causing —

“He Died As A Direct Result of the HPV Vaccine” – Mother Of DeceasedTeenager Claims (Update) — Collective Evolution – March 2, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  A 14-year-old boy named Christopher Bunch passed away more than a year ago, and the mother and father are claiming that it was as a result of the HPV vaccine. His mother started a petition over a year ago claiming that her son “died as a direct result of the HPV vaccine.”

The petition reads as follows: →

Read more via “He Died As A Direct Result of the HPV Vaccine” – Mother Of DeceasedTeenager Claims (Update) — Collective Evolution

“Sacrificial Virgins” – A Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines — April 3, 2018

“I would never give my daughter, or my son the shot… This is a massive PR event by the company that makes Gardasil, and the same is the truth for the company that makes Cervarix… I think one needs to do a lot of research, and I think parents are in the best position to….Read more & trailer “Sacrificial Virgins”

via “Sacrificial Virgins” – A Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines — Collective Evolution