Varning för HPV-vaccin för pojkar – Inga fler vaccinskandaler tack! — – September 19, 2019

(NewsVoice)  VACCINDEBATT. Vår regering har nu budgeterat för att HPV-vaccinera ca 1,5 miljoner pojkar för att “rädda” 130 av dem från cancer. 130 stycken av 1,5 miljoner pojkar motsvarar 0,008667% och kalasat ska kosta skattebetalarna 23 miljoner kronor per år. →

Av NewsVoice  – 18 September, 2019

Läs mera via Varning för HPV-vaccin för pojkar – Inga fler vaccinskandaler tack! —

Alternativa Nyheter – – 31 Maj, 2019

Snapchat-anställda anklagas för att ha spionerat på användare



Anställda på Snapchat Inc misstänks ha spionerat på privatpersoner i appen genom verktyg som bara ska användas för säkerhetssyften och polisärenden. Det avslöjar nu…

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. om riskerna med Gardasil


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. går igenom de många problem med tillverkningen och säkerheten av Mercks vaccin Gardasil.

Läs mera & video”RFK, Jr.: Gardasil “The Science” Video and Other Facts” (50:03)


Ulf Kristersson deltar vid årets Bilderbergmöte



På Kristi himmelsfärdsdag på torsdag inleds årets upplaga av det kontroversiella Bilderbergmötet i Montreux, Schweiz. Ulf Kristersson återfinns på deltagarlistan.

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Growing Concern About the Safety of the HPV Vaccine……. — The Truth About Cancer – March 21, 2019

Medical gloved hand holding syringe

March 21, 2019

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was originally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006, and was introduced to the public as a vaccine that could protect women against the two strains of the HPV virus, HPV 16 and HPV 18, believed to be responsible for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer.1

However, although the HPV vaccine was originally designed to protect women and young girls against the HPV virus, the media and governments from around the world often refer to it as the ‘cervical cancer vaccine,’ which we believe is incorrect, because, according to our research, there is little evidence to support their claim.2

Read more & videos: “Spotlight on HPV Vaccines Symposium” (44:59) and “Irish HPV vaccine victim Rebecca” (1:59 via Growing Concern About the Safety of the HPV Vaccine as… — The Truth About Cancer


Video: Manufactured Crisis: What they are Not Telling You About the HPV Vaccine (59:07)

Article: Pfizer Vice President Blows Whistle On Gardasil: “The Vaccine Is Deadly”


Sacrificial Virgins Documentary: How The HPV Vaccine Destroys Teens

Sacrificial Virgins is a documentary series in three parts written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss. It is a co-production between Meditel Productions and Yellow Entertainment. Below is the 3-part series.

Sacrificial Virgins: Part I – Not for the greater good

Sacrificial Virgins: Part II – Pain and suffering

Sacrificial Virgins: Part III – A penny for your pain

Source and read more

Doctor Explains How The HPV Vaccine Is Linked To A Rise In Cervical Cancer Rates — Collective Evolution – February 22, 2019

By Arjun Walia


  • The Facts:Cervical cancer rates in several countries have risen since the introduction of the HPV vaccine, and pap smear tests have dropped. When pap smear tests were routinely conducted, cancer rates remained low.
  • Reflect On:After reading the article, is it really worth it? It doesn’t make much sense, so why is it so heavily marketed?

It takes a long time to affirm that a preventive action really protects. But the failure of this supposed protection can sometimes be very quickly obvious. To prove that the Titanic was truly unsinkable would have required decades of navigation on the most dangerous seas of the world. Demonstrating that it wasn’t, took only a few hours … This  Titanic demonstration is unfortunately reproduced by the Gardasil vaccination…Read more

via Doctor Explains How The HPV Vaccine Is Linked To A Rise In Cervical Cancer Rates — Collective Evolution

Vaccine injury payouts exceed $4 billion, yet most people remain uninformed about the risks linked to vaccinations — Natural Health 365 – December 1, 2018

(NaturalHealth365) Recent data from the Health Resources & Services Administration reveals some alarming information about vaccine side effects and the legal outcome of a vaccine injury. Payouts from a vaccine injury compensation fund have now exceeded $4 billion, and this reflects the government’s own assessment that just one percent of all vaccine injuries are reported.…..Read more

via Vaccine injury payouts exceed $4 billion, yet most people remain uninformed about the risks linked to vaccinations — Natural Health 365

Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us — Collective Evolution – November 26, 2018

This article was written by Sayer Ji, Founder of His work is reproduced and distributed here with the permission. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here:” No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and……..Read more

via Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us — Collective Evolution

Cervical Cancer Increases Since HPV Vaccines, Per Swedish Study — May 4, 2018

By Catherine J. Frompovich It seems there are more “correlation and causation” effects from vaccines, especially with the much-touted ‘cervical cancer prevention’ vaccines known as Gardasil®, Gardasil 9® and Cervarix® – the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines manufactured by Merck & Company and GlaxoSmithKline, respectively! These vaccines are loaded with aluminum adjuvants. Source: CDC Gardasil®Each 0.5-mL…Read more

via Cervical Cancer Increases Since HPV Vaccines, Per Swedish Study —

“Sacrificial Virgins” – A Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines — April 3, 2018

“I would never give my daughter, or my son the shot… This is a massive PR event by the company that makes Gardasil, and the same is the truth for the company that makes Cervarix… I think one needs to do a lot of research, and I think parents are in the best position to….Read more & trailer “Sacrificial Virgins”

via “Sacrificial Virgins” – A Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines — Collective Evolution

HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills: Confirmed By Court Ruling (Video) — April 2, 2018

By Catherine J. Frompovich “After 8 long years, the government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused my death.” [1] Christina Richelle Tarsell “died from an arrhythmia induced by an autoimmune response to the HPV vaccine Gardasil which [she] had received only days before [her] death. …. This is a…Read more & video

via HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills: Confirmed By Court Ruling — Activist Post