The 11/11 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council – Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – November 11, 2019

the 11/11 energies - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of the 9d arcturian council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing the way in which you are all handling the energies that are upon you now, as you open yourselves up more because of the date on the calendar. And we are very pleased to see so many of you in a place of relaxation, embracing your Divine Feminine energy, and letting in that which you have been summoning. The energies of the time that you are in right now are a reflection of your state of being as an awakened collective. →

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Timelines Leading to Your Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – October 14, 2019

Timelines Leading to Your Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the many possibilities that exist for humanity between now and the time of your next Solstice, and we are happy to say that humanity is moving and evolving at such a pace that we see some very positive timelines in front of you. We see that you have been accessing much more of the energy that’s been coming up from the Earth’s core and her grid system, and this is freeing a lot of the stuck energy from your root chakras, getting it out and cleared from your bodies and energy fields. This is very important work that you are all doing, as you need to face fears and traumas around death and bodily harm, as well as issues with finances. →

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The Rest of 2019 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – June 12, 2019

The Rest of 2019 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to explore the different possibilities that are in front of humanity for the rest of this calendar year. We are looking at the possibilities that are in front of you as potentials that you might reach by the end of this year, and we see the growth potential as exponential, due in large part to those of you who are awake playing the gigantic roles you are playing. You have been holding so much light for the human collective that the possibilities in front of you are almost limitless. We can see you taking the energies from the solstice and running with them to such an extent that you bring about an even faster rate of awakening amongst the rest of humanity.

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Timelines for the Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – June 10, 2019

Timelines for the Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of exploring the many possibilities that exist for humanity with your upcoming Solstice. You are also exploring these possibilities with your consciousness at night while you are sleeping. You are going down different timelines to see what type of energies would serve you most as an individual.

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The Galactic Federation of Light via Sheldan Nidle, June 26, 2018

Dratzo! Let us begin. Much is being readied for a significant coming event. This ever-changing orb upon which we gaze is a world where the dark pursues its diabolical schemes with little success. We cannot emphasize enough that the demise of the cabal is closer than most of you might believe. The recently formed Alliance, in company with our earth allies, is at the ready to spring a carefully-set trap that will lead to arrests of some of the cabal’s upper-echelon personnel. The arrest plan is designed to keep the public informed as a way to limit chaos. As we have mentioned before, their “tried and true” ways of keeping the citizens of Earth in bondage no longer work. Because the dark appears unable to alter their modus operandi, their tricks to obstruct the Divine Plan continue to expose them for the scoundrels they are. Meanwhile, the masses are awakening. Globally, citizens are beginning to rise up, demanding transparency and Truth.

At present, the dark is being forced to give up vast sums of its earthly wealth. Consequently, all the major governments on your world are either bankrupt or nearly bankrupt. This fact is being hidden to maintain the current ruse and avoid arousing the panic and outrage that would ensue if this fact were made public. The true wealth of your global societies will appear only when a global reset manifests, founded on gold-backed currencies. This reality is nearing a point where it is to be revealed to the public. Once these announcements are made, they will also reveal a new series of interim governments. Right now, sensitive negotiations are concluding to permit all of these events to happen. The Alliance is now in a position of power and is doing whatever is required to make this difficult transition run as smoothly as possible. The epochal moment is soon to arrive for all of us to bestow upon this planet, and its surface population, a most miraculous gift.

As we await this magic moment, our fleet personnel are carrying out the next steps in our disclosure scenario, one of which concerns our first post-disclosure broadcasts. Our communications team is revising what we intend to convey to you. It is essential for your cousins, the Agarthans, to be properly introduced to you. They propose to teach you about your true origins and your true history. This knowledge is very different from that which you have been taught. We also intend to display the various technologies we wish to share with you. This agenda is merely the first part of our initial interaction with you.

You are basking in the energies of the recent powerful Summer Solstice, which holds many keys to what is to unfold. Literally, the eyes of the galaxy are upon you! Heaven assures us that countless necessary changes are being prepared to manifest, to allow the Light to emerge Victorious! This will constitute the opening salvo in the move to establish the new energies that are to propel you to the very brink of full consciousness. Many Beings of a highly spiritual nature have joined together on your world to create the conditions for first contact and all that is to follow. We are using our technological advantage to accelerate the plan and ensure that this pivotal opening move succeeds according to Heaven’s wishes.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters. Last week, we welcomed the new frequencies from the Great Central Sun scheduled for the summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere and winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere of the planet. The energies that accompany June’s Solstice are bringing an upgrade to your human and Light systems. The seeds planted at the Spring Equinox will now bloom. These new frequencies are a potent catalyst for change. Offer gratitude as you witness changes in yourself, and the people around you, in government and the financial industry, and in the planet herself.

The energies enveloping Gaia also encompass our entire Milky Way galaxy. The atmosphere of Venus is cooling. That of Mars is also experiencing climate change and is beginning to terra-form: small ponds of water are springing up on her surface. The red spot for which Jupiter is known has disappeared. Saturn’s rings are proving to be a more elaborately interwoven web of consciousness. Changes to our galaxy such as these are caused by a rise in consciousness. Collectively, we are ascending the frequency spiral to the 5th dimension.

Clearly, much is unfolding to birth an entirely new world for you. We encourage you, dear ones, to participate in this process. Recent steps taken toward transformation have reached the point where you are obliged to come together to help one another. Each of you possesses knowledge of how you are to morph into galactic humans. Share this with each other. Create a safe environment in which you can discuss these subjects freely and openly. It is one thing to hear this information issuing from a television set, but quite another to hear it with the Love and caring that emanates from someone you know. There is no substitute for the personal touch. It is our intention that this blessed transition to full consciousness be filled with the magic of the Divine! This is a sacred task that began nearly 13 millennia ago. Now we are doing whatever is required to bring Heaven back to each one of you.

Today, we continued to inform you about what is manifesting around your globe. An age of prosperity and harmony is forming. This, therefore, is a time of transition. Be patient and ever ready to work for the triumph of this new series of realities and prepare for a new spiritual age. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Source: Pao Web


The Galactic Federation: The Veils of Separation Are Lifted — Era of Light – June 23, 2018

Divine ones. We are here the Galactic Federation to aid in ushering you and showering you with wisdom and love. We the GF’s as we are called are one of many who remind you to stand tall in your greatness and take the “bull by the horns” to coin a phase to awaken to move….Read more

via The Galactic Federation: The Veils of Separation Are Lifted — Era of Light

Solstice Wave: Progress Report ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – June 22, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the feeling that you are on the brink of a big leap forward in the evolution of your consciousness, and we are focusing our attention on the way you are receiving the energies that are upon you. How…Read more

via Solstice Wave: Progress Report ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 21, 2018


We wish to congratulate you for arriving at this sacred day so markedly different than you were at your last solstice. Your solstices serve as energetic save points, if you will, that lock in your progress. This opens up a brand new platform for you to create, explore, and pioneer from for the second part of your year. The speeding up of your enlightenment process is clear to see when you reflect on how much has been achieved in such a short period of time.

This is a time of great celebration, for your up-levelling opens up even greater potentials and possibilities for both you and your planet moving forward. Take a moment to reflect and wonder at all you and your brothers and sisters of light have achieved by so diligently working on your own growth and expansion that also serves the whole so beautifully. You are doing a truly magnificent job. We salute you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Source: Trinity Esoterics

The Effects of the Solstice Wave ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – June 21, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for this moment to be upon you, this moment of the solstice wave of energy. And now, it is here, and it is having the desired effect on humanity. You are receiving these high frequency energies, and we can see the vast majority of those of you who are awakened accepting these energies into your fields and physical bodies. For some, it will take a little longer to open up, but they eventually will.

For those who are asleep, these energies will wait in their energy fields for the appropriate timing. Those of you who are ready for more transformation have been expecting to receive, and now that you have the energies upon you, there are some ramifications that you must deal with.

For example, some of you will sleep more and some of you will sleep less. Some of you will eat more, and some of you will eat less. Some of you will feel euphoric, and others pain. There is not one right response. You are not all in the same place, and you have not all had the same previous life experiences, in this lifetime and in all of the others. So the energies will affect you differently, and every one of you will receive exactly what you need.

This wave of energy was designed to serve and to bring about more of the transformations that you’ve been asking for. It’s also going to drum up some past life connections, especially to Atlantis, and you are going to feel the effects of it for quite some time. There is much within this wave to assimilate. So you will want to hydrate, rest, and ground yourselves. You will want to let yourselves feel everything that comes up for you, as always.

But you want to pay particular attention to how what you are experiencing is affecting your relationships with others. The best possible effect is that you will feel more open-hearted, more loving, more compassionate, and more of a desire to reach out to others for that connection that already exists but that sometimes needs a little facilitating. And that is one of the many effects this wave is having upon you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

Saint Germain via Christine Meleriessee Hayden, June 19th, 2016



Thank you, Lord Metatron for the fabulous introduction to these energies and the event we are all about to experience. I am excited to be able to be the Being that has been chosen to speak about the physical manifestation of the Electro-Magnetic energies.
I am Lord St. Germain, standing here with my colleague and close friend, Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos to share this news.
During the time of the Solstice as the Electro-Magnetic energies are flowing into the planet, there will be a physical event that will occur in and around Mount Shasta. Those of you that are aware of our Golden City over Mount Shasta in the Etheric
Earth will understand what we are conveying to you.
This city has been a meeting place for all of us within the Ascended Master State of Consciousness for eons of time. We call this Golden Etheric City Havalanechee. It represents the 22nd Ray of God in the flame of Platinum and brings forth the essence of the Source of All That Is. It is the stage of the 5thDimensional Consciousness of Completion, the God and Goddess coming together as One.
At the time of the entranceway of the Solstice, with the Sun and Moon coming together, accessing the Electro-magnetic energies, this city will be igniting its essence of the Platinum Ray to spin through the atmosphere into the 4th dimensional Earth residing in Mount Shasta. It will ignite electro-magnetic rays that will come into the crown of the mountain, through the mountain and around the mountain bringing forth a 5th dimensional consciousness that represents Divine Completion.
Since the City of Telos is beneath the mountain it will be the foundation of these energies to be held within and around the mountain for 144 miles through the forests, the lands, and the people. It will ignite a higher consciousness than has ever been experienced before beyond Lemuria and Atlantis.
At first, the waves of light will come in very softly so that no one is shocked by its frequency; yet it needs to be grounded. It will assist in removing debris and clarifying the energies around the area so that eventually the individuals living and visiting the mountain will be assisted greatly to change….