France Wants TTIP Negotiations Terminated — The Sleuth Journal – Sept 3, 2016

French President Francois Hollande addresses French ambassadors on August 30, 2016 in Paris (AFP Photo/Francois Mori) Matthias Fekl, Foreign Trade Secretary, has said there is not enough political support to continue negotiating the TTIP. (The Real Agenda News) Whether the latest statement by the French Secretary is just political theater or not is still unknown,…

via France Wants TTIP Negotiations Terminated — The Sleuth Journal

Statin Fraud Exposed: They Cause Diabetes, Brain Damage & More — Collective Evolution – Sept 3, 2016

What’s the deal with Cholesterol? Good, bad, both, myth? Perhaps it is a myth, something that’s been made into a problem so pharmaceutical companies can keep raking in the cash? Statins alone generate billions of dollars a year. The important point to take note of is the fact that Statins, drugs designed to lower ones…

via Statin Fraud Exposed: They Cause Diabetes, Brain Damage & More — Collective Evolution

‘Like It’s Been Nuked’: Millions of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays for Zika Mosquitoes — Galactic Connection – Sept 2, 2016

Thanks Nancy! By Ben Guarino September 1, 2016 On Sunday morning, the South Carolina honey bees began to die in massive numbers. Death came suddenly to Dorchester County, S.C. Stressed insects tried to flee their nests, only to surrender in little clumps at hive entrances. The dead worker bees littering the farms suggested that colony collapse disorder was not…

via ‘Like It’s Been Nuked’: Millions of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays for Zika Mosquitoes — Galactic Connection

‘Like It’s Been Nuked’: Millions of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays for Zika Mosquitoes

UFOs Over New Jersey Caught In Photo During Sunset, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News. — UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY

Date of sighting: Aug 12, 2016Location of sighting: Bayonne, New Jersey, USASource: MUFON #78837Here is a great close up of a metallic classic disk, which are common among the W56 alien base at Rocca Pia, and also was seen at Cape of Good Hope, all the way to a UFO I found in an Apollo 14…

via UFOs Over New Jersey Caught In Photo During Sunset, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News. — UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY