(Full Report) Benjamin Fulford 3/21/22 Geopolitical Report: Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth | Prepare For Change

Prepare For Change | By Edward Morgan

 March 24, 2022


There are multiple reports coming in from all directions indicating the war for control of the planet earth, one that has been literally raging for thousands of years, is coming to an end. The battle over the Ukraine will be seen by future historians as the last stand of the Satanic Khazarian mafia that has been plotting to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm ruled by them.

Read full report & videos: Benjamin Fulford 3/21/22 Geopolitical Report: Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth — Prepare For Change

Nine Chinese nationals in America charged as being illegal agents of People’s Republic, part of bigger plot | Law Enforcement Today

By: Pat Droney|

BROOKLYN, NY- A federal jury in Brooklyn, NY has indicted nine people charging them with acting as illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China.The nine are accused of conspiring to stalk and harass a couple living in the United States and coercing them to return to China where they were subject to criminal charges.

Two of the defendants have also been charged with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice as part of the campaign called “Operation Fox Hunt.

Read more: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/nine-chinese-nationals-in-america-charged-as-being-illegal-agents-of-peoples-republic-part-of-bigger-plot/

Shocking Senate report says Bidens bought $100k worth of “extravagant items” with credit cards linked to China | NaturalNews.com – Sept 24, 2020

(Natural News) Reports in the past claiming that Joe and Hunter Biden are ‘beholden’ to China were, predictably, blown off as political propaganda by Democrats, but a new bombshell Senate report the party’s lapdogs in the ‘mainstream media’ are ignoring sheds additional light on these previous allegations.

Read more via Shocking Senate report says Bidens bought $100k worth of “extravagant items” with credit cards linked to China — NaturalNews.com

Chinese Virologist Claims She Will Be Publishing Evidence Proving COVID-19 Is Manmade | Collective Evolution – Sept 12, 2020

Collective Evolution | By Joe Martino


The Facts: Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan, who recently fled China, claims she has evidence that proves COVID-19 was manmade.

Reflect On: What are the implications of this virus being manmade if it indeed is? What would this change about the narrative if the WHO has known this for some time?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist and whistleblower, claims she will soon be publishing proof that COVID-19 was manmade. She believes her evidence will be so clear that even non-scientists will be able to verify the data. Previously, Dr. Yan has said that the Chinese government and the World Health Organization knew about person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 much earlier than reported. She fled China to the US to continue exploring her research.

Dr. Yan told The Daily Mail in an interview:

Chinese Virologist Claims She Will Be Publishing Evidence Proving COVID-19 Is Manmade — Collective Evolution

20 Million Quarantined as “Deadly” Coronavirus Reaches the U.S. — The Truth About Cancer – January 24, 2020

Breaking News Coronavirus

(TheTuthAboutCancer)  In the wake of a new respiratory virus, Chinese authorities have shut down at least 5 cities, impacting tens of millions of people. The coronavirus, which first appeared only a month ago, has infected more than 630 people and is responsible for at least 17 deaths so far. The World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to declare a global health emergency sometime today. →

Read more via — The Truth About Cancer

Western Media Silent as China Enslaving Citizens in Concentration Camps, Demolishing Churches — The Free Thought Project – October 22, 2019

(The Free Thought Project)  Millions of Americans are about to be celebrating the Christmas season not being fully aware just how anti-religion and anti-spiritual the People’s Republic of China actually is. Not only do they persecute Christians and demolish their houses of worship, but they force innocent people into slave labor making Christmas lights for 10 hours a day in what can be referred to as black site concentration camps. Seriously. →

Read more & video clip: “The Excavators Are Demolishing A True Jesus Church, Located In Caidu Town Of Shangcai County” (0:21) via  — The Free Thought Project

Watch Hong Kong Protesters Use Lasers to Disrupt Facial Recognition — Aug 2, 2019

By John Vibes

In the recent wave of demonstrations to sweep Hong Kong, tensions between protesters and police have continued to escalate.

The protests began with a simple demand for the government of mainland China to cancel a controversial extradition treaty, which would allow the government to arrest citizens of Hong Kong to face charges in China.

Read more via Watch Hong Kong Protesters Use Lasers to Disrupt Facial Recognition —