Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It? | Waking Times

Brandon SmithGuest
Waking Times – August 12, 2021

There is a fundamental question that haunts the pages of history and it is one that has never been addressed in a satisfactory manner. There are many schools of thought on why and how tyranny rises in any given society and all of them miss the mark in terms of explanations, primarily because they all allow their biases to rule their conclusions and blind them to the deeper aspects of power and conspiracy. In other words, they are willing to go down the rabbit hole only so far, and then they deny that the rabbit hole even exists.

Read more: Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It? — Waking Times

All is an Illusion 9: The Final Wakeup Call — by Peter B. Meyer

Mainstream Media is Indoctrination

Free Markets don’t exist

False Free Trade Agreements

Counterfeit Law

Bogus Rights

Fake Authority

Forged History

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – July 7, 2021

Fakery, fraud, propaganda and brainwashing destroys your consciousness

Our world is filled with extraordinary amounts of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. Altogether in this series of nine issues, sixty cases have been highlighted, but still there are many more. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. Consciousness means coming from the heart, getting in touch with your intuition and consequently reaching a state of intuitive knowing. Hence, in contrast to accessing the internet, consciousness allows us to access our ‘inner net.’

Continue Reading → All is an Illusion 9 — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Alles is een illusie 9

Mainstream Media is indoctrinatie Vrije Markten bestaan niet Valse vrijhandelsakkoorden Namaak Wet Valse Rechten Bedrieglijke autoriteit Vervalste geschiedenis 60-ILLUSIES   Bedrog, fraude, propaganda en hersenspoeling vernietigen het bewustzijn Onze wereld is gevuld met buitengewone hoeveelheden leugens, bedrog, desinformatie, misinformatie, fakery,…Continue Reading 

Deutsch: Alles ist eine Illusion 9

Mainstream-Medien sind Indoktrination Freie Märkte gibt es nicht Gefälschte Freihandelsabkommen Fälschungsschutzgesetz Falsche Rechte Trügerische Autorität Gefälschte Geschichte 60-ILLUSIONEN   Täuschung, Betrug, Propaganda und Gehirnwäsche zerstören das Bewusstsein Unsere Welt ist gefüllt mit außerordentlichen Mengen an Lügen, Täuschung, Desinformation, Fehlinformation, Fakery,…Continue Reading 

COVID Rules till 2030 — The Final Wakeup Call

Social and human relations are being confiscated

Covid has nothing to do with your health

Not Allow Politicians to Dictate Science

Protection from Pandemics Does Not Come from a Syringe 

UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian” COVID “Control Freaks”

What No One Tells about Lockdowns

PCR Test Results Are Meaningless says Inventor

Source: The Final Wakup Call – December 9, 2020

Covid-19 is the Deep State’s Great Reset Defining Your Future 

It promises a horrifying future as at least 90% of the surviving population will be eliminated. George Orwell in his in 1948 published book “1984” wrote about in detail.

This is your final wake up call; COVID 19(84) is a big lie needed to enact big pharma sponsored coup that is now unfolding around us. Governments never act in people’s best interest, while Parliaments or Congress have never been self-governing and have made themselves legally unaccountable. The Corona virus act is unconstitutional, unlawful and passed without our consent. Your sovereignty has been illegally taken away and must be reverted back. Continue Reading → The Final Wakeup Call


Nederlands: COVID Heerst tot 2030

Sociale en humane relaties zijn inbeslaggenomen Covid heeft niets te maken met je gezondheid Niet toestaan dat politici de wetenschap dicteren Bescherming tegen pandemieën komt niet uit een injectiespuit  UK Suprême Court Judge Veroordeelt ‘Totalitair” COVID “Control Freaks” Wat niemand…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: COVID Herrschaft bis 2030

Soziale und menschliche Beziehungen wurden beschlagnahmt Covid hat nichts mit Ihrer Gesundheit zu tun Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass Politiker die Wissenschaft diktieren Schutz vor Pandemien kommt nicht aus der Spritze  Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof des Vereinigten Königreichs verurteilt “totalitäre”…Continue Reading →

Alternative News | Humans Are Free – July 1, 2020

Mtx Group Bill Gates, George Soros, Hillary Clinton

Shady COVID Contact Tracing Firm Is Google Partner – Connected To Soros, Clintons, Gates (Of Course!)

Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. →

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Collapse Of The United States

The Collapse Of The United States Is No Longer Avoidable

Within the last few days two commentators I respect — The Saker and Dmitry Orlov — have written that the United States is now undergoing systemic collapse.

My view, reflected in my articles published over the years, is that the United States ceased to exist decades ago. →

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New World Order Fear Merchant Anthony Fauci Warns That ‘100,000 New Cases Per Day’ Of Covid 19 Coming Because States Reopened Too Soon

New World Order Fear Merchant Anthony Fauci Warns That ‘100,000 New Cases Per Day’ Of COVID-19 Coming Because States Reopened Too Soon

Anthony Fauci testified to a Senate committee Tuesday that he would “not be surprised” if the U.S. begins reporting as many as 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, adding, “I’m very concerned and not satisfied with what’s going on because we’re going in the wrong direction.” →

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House Passes Bill To ‘voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees

House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees

Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle sponsored the successful bill, and while the microchips are not widely used throughout the state she believes they will become standard in the coming years. →

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The Bill Gates Global Nightmare Is Coming True With Covi Pass Immunity Passports

The Bill Gates Global Nightmare Is Coming True With COVI-PASS Immunity Passports

Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory. Expect to see this phrase, or some close derivative of it, used to justify the stripping of your individual liberty in the name of safety and security against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which is showing no signs of relenting until everyone can be vaccinated and chipped into the new global “herd.” →

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Humans Are Free


Paul Craig Roberts



Ethan Huff