All is an Illusion 9: The Final Wakeup Call — by Peter B. Meyer

Mainstream Media is Indoctrination

Free Markets don’t exist

False Free Trade Agreements

Counterfeit Law

Bogus Rights

Fake Authority

Forged History

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – July 7, 2021

Fakery, fraud, propaganda and brainwashing destroys your consciousness

Our world is filled with extraordinary amounts of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. Altogether in this series of nine issues, sixty cases have been highlighted, but still there are many more. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. Consciousness means coming from the heart, getting in touch with your intuition and consequently reaching a state of intuitive knowing. Hence, in contrast to accessing the internet, consciousness allows us to access our ‘inner net.’

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Nederlands: Alles is een illusie 9

Mainstream Media is indoctrinatie Vrije Markten bestaan niet Valse vrijhandelsakkoorden Namaak Wet Valse Rechten Bedrieglijke autoriteit Vervalste geschiedenis 60-ILLUSIES   Bedrog, fraude, propaganda en hersenspoeling vernietigen het bewustzijn Onze wereld is gevuld met buitengewone hoeveelheden leugens, bedrog, desinformatie, misinformatie, fakery,…Continue Reading 

Deutsch: Alles ist eine Illusion 9

Mainstream-Medien sind Indoktrination Freie Märkte gibt es nicht Gefälschte Freihandelsabkommen Fälschungsschutzgesetz Falsche Rechte Trügerische Autorität Gefälschte Geschichte 60-ILLUSIONEN   Täuschung, Betrug, Propaganda und Gehirnwäsche zerstören das Bewusstsein Unsere Welt ist gefüllt mit außerordentlichen Mengen an Lügen, Täuschung, Desinformation, Fehlinformation, Fakery,…Continue Reading 

All is an Illusion 3/3 | The Final Wakeup Call

Fake News

Fraudulent State Bookkeeping

Welfare Economy out of whack

How human minds are controlled

No Healthcare but Sickness is the objective

People are not aware how subtly their lives have been influenced

The economy and financial markets have been falsified by phony money

Bogus Defence

Covid mRNA spike protein injection is infectious human bio bomb

COVID Vaccine Creates Variants 

Be armed with the truth

By The Final Wakeup Call – May 26, 2021

You are being lied to and deceived

Most people lack critical thinking, but it is time for all of us to be armed with the truth, so read on and spread this knowledge. These subjects are outrageous because it affects all of us.

‘Nothing is what it seems’ and that must become common knowledge under the public over-all. There is no pandemic and Covid-virus doesn’t exist, no scientist has been able to locate this virus. We are being depopulated by our own government, that has been bribed and stays under control of the Satanic Deep State. This satanic control is the result of very well organised long-term conspiracies with the only purpose to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

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Nederlands: Alles is een illusie 3/3

Rigide censuur heeft onze abonneemailingdienst uitgeschakeld. Duidelijk, zonder censuur, is het MSM-verhaal ontzield. Alleen, alternatieve media brengt waarheid. Wees behulpzaam en deel deze grondig gerechercheerde artikelen met iedereen. Dit wordt onze laatste bevrijdingsstrijdronde. Het is ieders belang velen te informeren….Continue Reading

Deutsch: Alles ist eine Illusion 3/3

Die rigide Zensur hat unseren Abonnenten-Versanddienst deaktiviert. Ohne Zensur wurde das MSM-Narrativ eindeutig entschärft. Alleine, alternative Medien bringen die Wahrheit. Bitte seien Sie unterstützend und teilen Sie diese gründlich recherchierten Artikel mit allen. Dies wird unsere letzte Runde der Befreiungsschlachten…Continue Reading