Italian Politician Calls Out The “Lies & Falsification” of COVID-19 Numbers To “Terrorize Italians” (VIDEO) — Collective Evolution – May 7, 2020

(Collective Evolution) A lot of people are wondering what’s really going on out there, and the appearance of a digital authoritarian Orwellian”fact-checker” that’s patrolling the internet has only sparked more curiosity. When it comes to the new coronavirus, it’s simply another case of mainstream media rhetoric that completely contradicts testimony and evidence that’s being shared by multiple scientists, doctors, politicians and activists around the world.

Furthermore, when information that opposes the mainstream narrative goes “viral” it is either heavily censored or deleted. What is going on here? Should the people not have the right to examine information and sources to determine for themselves what is real and what is not instead of having someone else determine truth for them? →

Read more & video: “Vittorio Sgarbi – You are lying about the number of deaths caused by the Corona virus” (2:23) via — Collective Evolution

Amerikanska läkare: viruset lindrigare än vad som sagts — Nya Dagbladet – 30 April, 2020

Dan Erickson menar att myndigheterna har överdrivit faran med viruset. | Foto: Faksimil/Youtube

(Nya Dagbladet)  De amerikanska läkarna Dan Erickson och Artin Massihi menar att coronaviruset inte alls är lika dödligt som myndigheterna har påstått och att nedstängningen av samhället har minimal effekt på virusets spridning.

– Vi har sett 1227 dödsfall i delstaten Kalifornien, förklarar Erickson under en videokonferens och pekar samtidigt på att antalet förmodade smittade är omkring 4,7 miljoner människor. →

Läs mer via Amerikanska läkare: viruset lindrigare än vad som sagts — Nya Dagbladet

COVID-19 Is Being Made To “Look A Little Bit Worse Than It Is” – Dr. Dan Erickson — Collective Evolution – April 27, 2020

by Arjun Waila – April 26, 2020 | Collective Evolution

Is everything that’s told to us by our government and federal health regulatory agencies true? Is the priority of these agencies to protect the people? Should we continuously follow and obey without question, or should we question?

I am not saying that COVID-19 is not dangerous, and it’s not out there, and it’s not real. Neither are the two doctors in the video below. Clearly it is real, it’s dangerous and we should be concerned and take precautions. Keep in mind, other respiratory viruses out there kill several million people every single year, and children as well. They also infect much more than that. In fact, these viruses lead to acute respiratory illness which alone can kill up to five million children a year. These kinds of viruses have always been dangerous, and in many cases overwhelm our hospitals, but we never really hear about them like we have with COVID-19. Why is that? →

Read more & video: “COVID-19 Briefing: Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science | Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi Pt1” (51:55) via — Collective Evolution

(Video) Läkaren Dan Erickson – Karantän gör mer skada än nytta och bör avbrytas |Doctor Dan Erickson – Quarantine does more harm than good and should be discontinued — – 26, 2020

(  Läkaren Dan Erickson från Kalifornien går igenom data på en presskonferens och drar bland annat slutsatsen är sannolikheten att dö av covid-19 i Kalifornien utifrån insamlade testdata är 0,03 procent, alltså lägre än en säsongsinfluensa. De många omfattande långsiktiga negativa effekterna av att i princip stänga ned samhället och dra ned på övrig sjukvård innebär att karantänen i Kalifornien borde avbrytas.

Dr. Dan Erickson from California reviews the data at a press conference and concludes, among other things, the probability of dying from covid-19 in California based on collected test data is 0.03 percent, thus lower than a seasonal flu. The many widespread long-term negative effects of basically shutting down society and cutting back on other health care means that quarantine in California should be suspended.

Video (13:27) via Läkaren Dan Erickson – Karantän gör mer skada än nytta och bör avbrytas —