VIDEO LIVE: THIS IS IT: They’re coming for 2A, Monkeypox: Cover-up for VAIDS, Venomous Bioweapon BOMBSHELL | Stew Peters Network

By Stew Peters Network – Published May 25, 2022

Wednesday, May 25th, The Stew Peters Show brings new a NEW Full-Show with some INCREDIBLY hot takes! Stew Peters addresses the HORRIFIC happening of a Texas School shooting, and more.

“The Covid vaccines are NOT a viable and SAFE method to be used to contain and end this pandemic”. This quote is from Dr. Tau Braun in the form of a letter to the FBI back in June of 2021, warning them of the deadly effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Read more & video(59:25):

7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

By Greg Hunter’s – April 19, 2022

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines.  It was never intended to cure anything, and the paperwork proves it at Big Pharma and the CDC.  Kingston explains, “We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend.  The American people and global citizens were told the injections were vaccines.  In fact, when you look at the patents, they call them bioweapons.  They call them ‘toxins,’ they call them ‘agents of chemical biowarfare’. . . . Specifically, there is a 2017 patent related to what they are calling a ‘vaccine.’  The patent is titled ‘Vaccine Nanotechnology.’ . . .It is owned by the NIH, and when you read this nanotechnology patent in section 9, it clearly states in some embodiments, the small molecule is a toxin, a toxin from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare.  What they call a ‘vaccine’ in the patent, they say we are going to inject people with bioweapons.”

Read more & Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she talks about the demonic injections being forced on people worldwide on 4.19.22.(57:54): 7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

VIDEO LIVE: Cobra Venom Found in Spike Protein, Dr. Liu’s Murder UNCOVERED, Plan To Resist Tyranny | Stew Peters Network

By Stew Peters Network – Published April 19, 2022

Tuesday on the Stew Peters Show, Stew Peters presents a killer monologue on the importance of rejecting identity politics and never forgetting what the Left stole from us.
Investigative reporter Edward Szall shares his new discoveries in Dr. Bing Liu’s Murder, including what the University of Pittsburgh said about his research release date, and the suspicious circumstances of his alleged murder-suicide that clearly looks like a covered up assassination.

Read more & video(58:40):

VIDEO LIVE: Plasma Infusion Nurse Blows Whistle on Vaxxed Trojan Horse, Cures Act Mass Murder Plot Exposed | Stew Peters Network

By Stew Peters Network  – Published March 18, 2022

Friday on the Stew Peters Show, biotech analyst Karen Kingston joined Stew Peters to detail a nefarious law called the Cures Act, which has empowered a nationwide eugenics agenda by allocating tax payer funds to ‘research’ for mRNA, graphene, and other medicinal poisons for the ultimate goal of killing Americans.


VIDEO: LIVE: Biden’s State of Failure, Las Vegas Multiple Shooters Exposed, Bioweapon Jab Editing Genes | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show  – Published March 2, 2022

Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, we share the real address Americans should have received from our leaders, detailing the epic failures of the Biden junta, and their role in almost driving the world to global depression, food shortages, and nuclear war.

Read more & video(59:58):

(VIDEO) Tidigare Pfizer-konsult: Injektionerna innehåller digitala kontrollplattformar | – 16 Februari, 2022

ÖVERVAKNING. Stew Peters Show har tidigare intervjuat flera oberoende forskare som med mikroskop funnit misstänkt innehåll i flaskorna med mRNA-vaccin. I det här avsnittet intervjuar Stew Peters Pfizer-konsulten Karen Kingston som är en BioTech-analytiker. Dessa artefakter verkar vara injicerbara datorenheter, påstår hon.

Läs mer & Stew Peters intervju med Karen Kingston(14:16): Tidigare Pfizer-konsult: Injektionerna innehåller digitala kontrollplattformar —

VIDEO LIVE: Master Demonic Depopulation With 5G, GAB Marketplace Launch, Ask Dr. Jane, Cali Gov. Zacky | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show  – Published February 9, 2022

Read more & video(56:00):