Governments wasting TRILLIONS on “climate change” using faulty temperature data, experts warn – Natural News

02/07/2024 // Ethan Huff

The only reason why it seems like global temperatures are rising is because a whopping 96 percent of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) temperature monitoring stations are located in “urban heat islands” next to things like warm exhaust fans and “blistering-hot rooftops.”

Despite trillions of dollars in taxpayer-funded mitigation measures that have been implemented over the years, 2023 was still said to be the hottest year on record, according to the NOAA. However, we now know that this is because the federal agency’s thermometers were intentionally placed near really hot urban structures, which ultimately skewed the data.

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Nuremberg II: Mass-murder trials could commence after midterms for the vaccine-pushing genocidal maniacs Fauci, Walenski and more —

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) The Covid crimes are years in the making and more than a handful of vaccine manufacturers and promoters could be on trial soon for mass-murder and conspiracy to commit genocide. Senator Rand Paul puts Dr. Anthony Fauci at the forefront of the whole plandemic brigade, since Fauci lied and DID help fund gain-of-function…

Nuremberg II: Mass-murder trials could commence after midterms for the vaccine-pushing genocidal maniacs Fauci, Walenski and more —

Plandemic: Dr. Andrew Kaufman says COVID-19 pandemic is meant to control people’s minds |

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 by: Belle Carter

(Natural News) Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Kaufman recently told World Alternative Media CEO Josh Sigurdson that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is meant to to control people’s minds.

“We have seen since the beginning of the pandemic that there’s an effort of consolidation and further centralization of our retail system, including the food supply and everything else. We saw only Walmart, Target and Amazon were available, and all of the independent operations were not there. Many of the main influencers have mentioned how important controlling the food is to controlling the people,” Kaufman said.

Read more & Watch Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s full interview(33:04): Plandemic: Dr. Andrew Kaufman says COVID-19 pandemic is meant to control people’s minds —

Big Pharma controls the entire rigged system from doctors to politicians |

Friday, April 22, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Over the course of a single year, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published 73 studies about new drugs, and an astounding 82 percent of these were funded by Big Pharma.

About 68 percent of the authors were also employees of the companies that produce the drugs, while 50 percent of the lead researchers accepted money from a drug company.

What this shows, of course, is that the field of “science” is highly corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry, which also heavily influences the political realm.

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NATO-allied countries exposed for running biological weapons programs in Ukraine |

Thursday, April 14, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Has Germany been conducting secret biological research in Ukraine? According to Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s permanent representative at the United Nations office in Geneva, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally is guilty as charged.

The German Federal Foreign Office and the German Armed Forces, Gatilov said, funded the projects. Project collaborators include the German Tropical Institute and the Friedrich Löffler Institute for Animal Health, documents further showed.

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COVID-19 is a fraud, says Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Brighteon.TV |

Wednesday, February 09, 2022 by: Kevin Hughes

(Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a fraud.

This is what Dr. Andrew Kaufman told host Kerri Rivera on the February 3 episode of the “Champions with Kerri Rivera” show on Brighteon.TV. (Related: The COVID fraud will not stay hidden forever)

“There’s just no evidence to show that there’s a virus that causes this disease. So everything built upon that is fraudulent in one sense or another. It’s not actually an isolated virus. It’s just the fluid, essentially, from a cell culture experiment,” Kaufman said.

Read more & Watch the full Feb. 3 episode of “Champions with Kerri Rivera” below. “Champions with Kerri Rivera” airs every Thursday at 11 a.m.-12 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.(50:17): COVID-19 is a fraud, says Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Brighteon.TV —

Gen. Flynn talks about Covid revelations and people waking up – Brighteon.TV |

Image: Gen. Flynn talks about Covid revelations and people waking up – Brighteon.TV

Friday, January 21, 2022 by: Ramon Tomey

(Natural News) Retired General Michael Flynn joined Clay Clark on the latter’s “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV last Jan. 17. He touched on people’s awakening and revelations about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) during his appearance on Clark’s program.

Read more & Watch the full Jan. 17 episode of “Thrive Time Show”. “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark airs Monday to Friday at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV:

Dr. Malone and Naomi Wolf say that Fauci committed “premeditated manslaughter of millions of people” |

Thursday, January 13, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The latest release from Project Veritas has prompted Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA (messenger RNA) technology, and author Dr. Naomi Wolf to call out Tony Fauci and his friends for committing “premeditated manslaughter” against “millions of people.”

Malone appeared alongside Wolf, who is also a former adviser to Bill Clinton, on an episode of Steve Bannon’s “The War Room” to talk about the newest revelations from James O’Keefe.

Read more: Dr. Malone and Naomi Wolf say that Fauci committed “premeditated manslaughter of millions of people” —

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch blow the lid on Fauci’s illicit bioweapons research schemes |

(Natural News) Judicial Watch has done it again by procuring another fresh trove of evidence implicating fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci for using American taxpayer dollars to fund the tweaking of bat coronaviruses and other pathogens. Many of Fauci’s experiments took place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China – this is why we call it the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) – with direct funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the parent agency of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is overseen by Fauci.

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch blow the lid on Fauci’s illicit bioweapons research schemes —

(VIDEO) COVID shots intended to reduce world’s population by poisoning ‘billions’: South African doctor |

Image: COVID shots intended to reduce world’s population by poisoning ‘billions’: South African doctor

(Natural News) A prominent doctor credited with advancing the development of early treatments for COVID-19 has stated that, in his judgment, the purpose of the pandemic and vaccine campaigns, is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”