(Videos) X22 Report: Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon – Episode 1871 — May 19, 2019


The BREXIT party is getting very close to winning, if they win come this May 31, Nigel Farage will push for a no-deal BREXIT. Control is returning to people. In Australia the MSM was completely wrong and Morrison won the election. Nations are rejecting globalism and Merkel has lumped the US with China and Russia. Trump in his UN speech said he rejects globalism. Comey’s tweets deciphered. Panic in DC. Operation Hammer exposed, its not the crime that gets you it is the coverup, and this is why the [DS] is panicking. The closing act is fast approaching and the C_A will be dismantled.

Videos via Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon – Episode 1871 —