Evidence of Delegations Mounts | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light – May 8, 2019

Billy Meier and Semjase the Pleiadian

Evidence of Delegations Mounts

May 8, 2019 By Steve Beckow

(Voyages of Light)

I’m finding more and more evidence related to the use of “delegations” as the means to introduce our Star Family and Friends to Gaians.

Up till now, we’ve all been waiting for a government or some official to make the announcement of our star family’s presence.

However as long ago as 2013, Adamu warned us that the governments of the world would not release the news of the galactic presence. They could not afford to disclose it, he said:

Read more via Evidence of Delegations Mounts | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light

Electric Vehicles Ecologically Worse than Diesel Motors — The Final Wakeup Call – May 8, 2019

The real Motivation is Government-control of Everyone

The Electric Shock

Diesel engines emit 20% less CO2

Conclusion; EV’s are politicised, not Green

Electric Vehicles: Government Subsidised Disaster

(Final Wakeup Call)

EV are a giant con operation and the biggest scam of our lifetime

A study directed by Christopher Buchal of the University of Cologne, recently published by Cesifo Institute in Munich, concludes that electric vehicles (EV) have “significantly higher CO2 emissions than diesel cars.” That is due to the large amount of energy used in the mining and processing of lithium, cobalt, and manganese, which are critical raw materials for the production of electric car batteries.

So, electric vehicles will not help cut CO2 emissions over the coming years, as the introduction of electric vehicles does not, in fact, lead to a reduction in CO2 -emissions from road traffic. Natural gas combustion engines are the ideal technology to exploit for the transition to vehicles which in the future, may be powered by hydrogen, “green” methane, or perhaps even alternative forms of suppressed, wireless free energy technology.

A battery pack for the Tesla Model 3, pollutes the climate with 11 to 15 tonnes of CO2. Each battery pack has a lifespan of approximately ten years, or total mileage of 94,000. That works out to emit 73 to 98 grams of CO2 per kilometre, or 116 to 156 grams of CO2 per mile, Buchal said. Add to this the CO2 emissions of the electricity from power plants that power such vehicles and the actual Tesla emissions could be between 156 to 180 grams of CO2 per kilometre, or 249 and 289 grams of CO2 per mile.

Read more via Electric Vehicles Ecologically Worse than Diesel Motors — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC? | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light – May 8, 2019

Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?

May 8, 2019 By Steve Beckow

(Voyages of Light)

Given that the galactics are indicating their intention to meet with us in “delegations,” the whole subject of the galactics opens up again.

The new emphasis lends meaning to the following article from late 2017. The article looks at what happened in 1200 BC that saw so many civilizations falter and some fail.

Michael’s unexpected answer was that the galactics left the planet after having been in co-creative partnership with our civilizations.
“[The galactics] no longer saw that their creativity and guidance, input and sense of community were welcome.”

Read more via Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC? | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light

Support And Guide — The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley – May 8, 2019

My dearest one; during this momentous time in your Earth’s history, there will be people (some newly awakened) in your life that do not want help.  They may ask, often repeatedly, and still not put any suggestions into practice.  Dearest, take a moment to remember what you were experiencing when you first began your own process and do not take this personally!  They have found and chosen their safe space and, although they consciously realize it may not be the best place, they will continue to exist there until they are ready to change within themselves.  What can you do until then?  Ask The Universe to send them as much Unconditional Love as possible! (Smiling) Remember, it is not your job to walk their path but, you can support and offer guidance along the way.  It is all about free will. ~ Creator

Source: Support And Guide — The Creator Writings

Operate as a Whole Being ∞The Creators — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – May 8, 2019

Operate as a Whole Being ∞The Creators

“Take a minute of your time to focus on that which you perceive to be your ideal reality. Now, imagine yourself there in that that reality, doing what you would do, doing what you want to do, with whomever you want to do it, and being the person you want to be. Now, forget everything about that reality, and simply focus on what it is you would like to feel, most of all.

Read more via Operate as a Whole Being ∞The Creators — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

(Video) Edge of Wonder: Civil War in Ufology: Corey Goode BOMBSHELL Interview – Rockefeller, Corporate & Intel infiltration – May 8, 2019

Edge of Wonder

In our most con_troversial to date with Insider Corey Goode, we dive deep into how the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s have infiltrated the entire #UFO #Disclosure community and how some of the top people in the community have ties that go back to the #DeepState. We also get into why technology is being suppressed, Qanon document dumps, the deep state tactics, and the Rockefeller civil wa_r!

Video Premiered May 7, 2019: Edge of Wonder

Mother Gaia: We Are One — Era of Light – May 8, 2019

we are ne love eraoflightdotcom






I am your Mother Gaia. I nurture your cellular structure, for we are of the same elements: water, wind, earth, fire. We are the same. We support each other on this long road, and for many eons we have worked as one. It is high time for the lost ones to be found, to find themselves, their higher aspects that are calling them homeward to the light. Alas, many have chosen to continue on their path of darkness, and yet, yet, many have chosen the light as well. ➡

Read more via Mother Gaia: We Are One — Era of Light

What I Saw in Gaza Changed Me Forever — Covert Geopolitics – May 8, 2019

(Covert Geopolitics)

My true liberation as a Jewish person is bound up with the liberation of Palestinian people. Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism is a powerful collection of 40 essays by Jews from diverse backgrounds. Each describes a personal journey from a Zionist worldview to activism in solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis striving to build a society founded on justice, equality, and peaceful coexistence.

by Ned Rosch

Read more via What I Saw in Gaza Changed Me Forever — Covert Geopolitics

(Videos) X22 Report: [DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming – Episode 1861 — May 7, 2019

Trump is now getting ready to push more people off of welfare, the reasoning is that people should not be dependent on government and a transition is on its way and the government will not be able to support these people. China talks seem like they hit a road block, but this is just a pause everything is about to flip. Market is down and the MSM is coming out in force to blame the tariffs, Trump once again has setup the MSM to take the fall. CNN laysoff 100 people, even thought they don’t call it a layoff. Mueller report relied on the MSM for its investigation. Mueller says he interviewed Mifsud but there is no paperwork. MSM and the [DS] are trying to play down the word spying. Wray was asked about spying and his answer was not really an answer. Mnuchin says no to handing over Trump’s tax returns. Booker is running on the gun grab, this is a dead end. Trump pardon’s army ranger. Venezuela and Iran are being pushed to remove the [DS] black sites. Message sent to Obama, received by Iran, next phase coming.

Videos via [DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming – Episode 1861 —

Upprustad järnväg ökar Sveriges beredskap och försvarsförmåga — NewsVoice.se – 7 Maj, 2019


DEBATT. Det är stor risk att nödvändig upprustning av järnvägsnätet får stryka på foten eftersom Socialdemokraterna har ställt sig bakom de borgerliga att kostnaderna för försvaret ska utökas med 30 miljarder kr om året till 84 miljarder kr, men man har inte angett hur det skall finansieras.

Text: Hans Sternlycke, vice ordförande i Föreningen Svenska Järnvägsfrämjandet

Läs mera via Upprustad järnväg ökar Sveriges beredskap och försvarsförmåga — NewsVoice