Your Best Self — The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley – May 18, 2019


It has been said before and it bears repeating as a reminder; what is right and true for you will not necessarily be right and true for others. Your experiences on Earth have formed your opinions, thoughts and actions…some for the better, some not so good. It is up to you, via free will, to decide what you choose to be and how you present yourself. The Universe has been and always will be love, compassion and kindness. As you walk your path, think about what is important to you, how you prefer to be treated and extend that same courtesy to those around you. It may not feel like it now but, a time is coming when this will be the norm. Until then, keep being your best self and know you are loved. ~ Creator

Source: Your Best Self — The Creator Writings

Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – May 18, 2019


Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been getting very excited about the evolution of the human consciousness because you are all so filled with diversity, and the diversity within each one of you is a superpower. As you unlock the diverse energies within you and you begin integrating them into the whole of who you are, there is no telling what you will be capable of doing and becoming. You, there on planet Earth, are very unique, because you have so many different aspects to you.

Read more via Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Latest Facebook Strike Means CE Might No Longer Be Able To Pay Me To Write — Collective Evolution – May 18, 2019


This message goes out to those readers who have enjoyed one or more of the almost 200 articles I have written for Collective Evolution since April 2018, and more broadly to those who believe in CE’s mission and mandate to provide conscious fact-based journalism: Now is the time for us to come together as a community.

Read more & video: “Facebook Censorship: You’re Not Even Going To Believe This One..” (10:44) via Latest Facebook Strike Means CE Might No Longer Be Able To Pay Me To Write — Collective Evolution

8 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency — Era of Light – May 18, 2109

vitamin d eraoflightdotcom





Vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin that has powerful effects on several systems throughout your body.
Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D functions like a hormone, and every single cell in your body has a receptor for it.

Read more via 8 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency — Era of Light

Israeliskt säkerhetsbolag spionerade på dissidenter via Whatsapp — – 18 Maj, 2019



Ansvariga för den populära appen Whatsapp anklagar ett israeliskt cyberföretag för att genom ett spionprogram ha utnyttjat applikationen för att kartlägga människorättsaktivister och journalister.

Läs mera via Israeliskt säkerhetsbolag spionerade på dissidenter via Whatsapp —

(Videos) X22 Report: The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail – Episode 1870 — May 17, 2019


The Brexit talks have broken down, May will most likely be resigning and Johnson will take her place. Will This return the power to the people. UMich, hope explodes. Consumer index shows the opposite. Confirmed, auto tariffs are delayed for 6 months.

Read more & videos via The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail – Episode 1870 —