Always use DuckDuckGo as your search engine for health and safety topics, never Google, and here’s why |

(Natural News) Most Americans are very frustrated with the medical establishment right now, whether they are vaccinated for Covid or not. The advice about masks seems contradictory every other week, and the news of perpetual Covid boosters forever is overwhelming. People want answers to tough questions, and they’re looking, but where? Where are they looking, is the question, because you won’t find much honest, helpful info through Google, where they’ve systematically eliminated the most important health and safety information out there.

Always use DuckDuckGo as your search engine for health and safety topics, never Google, and here’s why —

Why is this nurse being federally charged for FAKING vaccine cards, but Big Pharma is never charged for FAKING vaccine research? |

(Natural News) The FDA has faked an approval of so-called “vaccines” for Covid that have been proven scientifically to offer little-to-no protection against contracting or transmitting the virus, but no charges have been brought to the scientists who created them or the FDA officials that issued the fake approval. Yet, just last week, federal investigators charged a South Carolina nurse with two counts of making fake vaccine cards for patients at a hospital in Columbia. The nurse faces up to 15 years in prison if found guilty. It was stated by officials that she is “exploiting the pandemic and people for personal gain,” although there is no proof she made any money off these vaccine cards, or that she’s even guilty yet. Plus, since it’s not a real “vaccine,” is she really guilty of anything at all?

Why is this nurse being federally charged for FAKING vaccine cards, but Big Pharma is never charged for FAKING vaccine research?   —

New study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccines and serious heart problems |

(Natural News) New analysis that was published in the American Journal of Cardiology highlights the connection between the currently available COVID-19 vaccines and a higher risk of myopericarditis. The study’s authors wanted to explore the relationship between the vaccines and heart problems in light of the many reports of people experiencing myocarditis and other heart problems following Covid vaccination. However, some vaccine defenders have been quick to dismiss these cases and claim that they must have been related to other illnesses that were previously undiagnosed prior to vaccination. The study notes that more than 1,226 cases of myocarditis had been reported following vaccination with an mRNA vaccine as of June 11, 2021.

New study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccines and serious heart problems —

(VIDEO) Peter Wahlbeck: “Det är oförskämt att kalla vaccinkritiker för konspirationsteoretiker” |

“Peter Wahlbeck är skådespelare, konstnär och stå-upp komiker från Halmstad som i höstas slog ett slag för valfrihet när det gäller vaccination. Han fick in en debattartikel i Göteborgsposten i september med titeln “Stoppa häxjakten på oss ovaccinerade”. Han berättar om varför valfrihet är viktigt, om surkålsknådande hippies och ger en känga åt de svenska…

Peter Wahlbeck: “Det är oförskämt att kalla vaccinkritiker för konspirationsteoretiker” —

Nordiska organisationer begär bättre skydd mot risker med strålning från trådlös teknik | Strålskyddsstiftelsen

Strålskyddsstiftelsen – 12 December, 2021

Representanter från elva nordiska organisationer verksamma inom området hälsorisker med strålning från trådlös teknik begär i en gemensam skrivelse att människor och miljön skyddas bättre. Människor är idag helt oskyddade för en mängd skadliga effekter, exempelvis cancer och neurologiska skador, som forskningen upprepat visat uppstår vid nivåer långt under gällande referensvärden.

Läs mer: Nordiska organisationer begär bättre skydd mot risker med strålning från trådlös teknik — Strålskyddsstiftelsen

COVID Jab red ALERT: Study of 4 million vaxxed people reveals a dangerous trend toward serious problems | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | December 12, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Mounting evidence suggests there is something terribly wrong with the COVID jab.  Record number of adverse effects have been reported, many occurring shortly after receiving the injection.  Does a person’s risk of death following the COVID shot increase precipitously, especially within the first few weeks?

New data from a large Swedish study involving the different types of injection suggests exactly this.

Read more:

Omicron Hysteria Made 8 Top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer | GreatGameIndia

After the Omicron variant managed to hit the headlines, the CEOs and major shareholders of the Pfizer and Moderna saw a profit of a combined $10.31 billion, as per data compiled by the UK-based Global Justice Now. The post Omicron Hysteria Made 8 Top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer appeared first on GreatGameIndia.

Omicron Hysteria Made 8 Top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer — GreatGameIndia

Must watch – official Pfizer figures from December 1st 2020 to February 28th 2021 show that 31% of jabbed either died or had a long-term health effect while 27% of pregnant women suffered serious effects including miscarriages and stillbirths – and the authorities have had this information since April 30th 2021. We are talking mass murder by the state | David Icke

David Icke – December 12, 2021


VIDEO: The ‘Omicron’ testing scam and how it works to give the illusion of more cases – David Icke’s Dot-Connect-The-News show on Ickonic | David Icke

By David Icke – December 10, 2021


Andrew Kaufman’s full interview exposing the ‘virus’ scam, ‘variant’ scam and ‘Omicron’ scam
