Most Organic Food From China Contaminated, Here’s Why — Prepare For Change – September 20, 2019

By Daisy Magnum, September 19, 2019

(Prepare For Change)  China is an agricultural powerhouse and one of the biggest exporters in the world when it comes to food but are their organic foods as organic as we expect them to be? Well, to be completely honest the use of the word organic couldn’t be more unrealistic.
Because most of what we eat seems to come from China we can assume when it comes to their food safety issues things are rippling down to us as well. You see, the whole concept of organics, in general, is for the most part to help the planet, right? Well, for China it’s more-so just about business and making money. →

Read more & video: “Food for thought: China’s Food Safety | 101 East” (25:55) via — Prepare For Change