CDC report admits mask-wearing provides no real protection against Covid |

March 10, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) On March 5, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report admitting that face masks do not provide protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and potentially worsen infection risk.

Read more: CDC report admits mask-wearing provides no real protection against Covid —

Study Says Wi-Fi Causes Cellular DNA Damage, Sperm/Testicular Damage & Neuropsychiatric Effects — Collective Evolution – May 5, 2020

(Collective Evolution)  5G technology has been making a lot of noise lately, and it’s surrounded by controversy. It’s unfortunate when claims made about the safety of 5G technology, and wireless technology in general are done so without any supporting evidence because it simply furthers the idea that there are no safety concerns when it comes its potential impact on human health. There seems to be a lingering idea out there that 5G technology is completely safe and poses no threat to human health, and any information that does suggest and provide evidence for the claim seems to be constantly brushed off by the mainstream media. For example, an article written in Forbes states “Fortunately, science already tells us that 5G almost certainly poses no danger to humans. Unless you value unfounded conspiracies over bona fide science.” This is a confusing statement, and in the eyes of many it seems to be false because there are countless amounts of doctors and scientists who have been publishing peer-reviewed science regarding the potential health impacts of 5G technology, as well as the wireless technology currently employed that predates 5G. →

Read more & trailer: “5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit [TRAILER]” (4:06) via — Collective Evolution

Prime Minister of Poland Signs Global Appeal to Stop 5G — June 9, 2019

By Julian Rose

In what is surely an unprecedented and  groundbreaking action, the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, has personally backed an International Appeal to stop the controversial roll-out of 5G electromagnetic microwave telecommunication transmissions.

5G, a new millimetre band frequency range being introduced by the telecommunications industry worldwide has been identified by over 2,000 scientists and 1,400 medical doctors from all over the world, as presenting a direct threat to human health, as well as to animal, insect and plant life.

There have been no safety tests carried out to ensure its safety, in spite of the fact that 5G operates at between 10 and 100 times higher frequencies than current 3 and 4G cell phone tower transmitters.

Read more via Prime Minister of Poland Signs Global Appeal to Stop 5G —