It’s Time to End the Lockdown – NOW! — Waking Times – April 16, 2020

Makia FreemanContributor
Waking Times


End the f*cking lockdown now! It’s time to wake up and rise up. We have allowed this fake pandemic, this coronavirus hoax and this absurd lockdown to go far too long already. We have been deceived. We have allowed authorities to become tyrants. We have swallowed whole the fairy tale lies of a new killer virus, a new invisible enemy and a new war on bioterrorism. We have allowed panic, irrationality and fear to run our minds and our societies. We have gladly handed over precious rights and freedoms. We have crawled to officials and begged them to save us. We have meekly accepted ridiculous rule after ridiculous rule, wearing inane masks (that don’t even prevent germs from entering our mouths) and partaking in asinine OCD behaviors. We have accepted house arrest, virtual martial law and massive restrictions on our intrinsic, inherent or God-given (whichever word you prefer) rights. We have allowed governments to restrict our ability to gather, to assemble, to move, to trade, to work, to shop, to live normal lives – FOR WHAT? For a unproven disease that is no worse than the seasonal flu? WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED! This has got to stop – now! →

Read more & videos via It’s Time to End the Lockdown – NOW! — Waking Times

Gift Yourself The Gift — The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley – March 8, 2020

As you shift, grow and change those around you may no longer understand you.  Rather than making the effort to comprehend and accept, they may resort to angry outbursts or express their disappointment to keep you in a space that makes them feel comfortable.  You have a choice to accept or release this.  Ask that you be shown the highest and best way to respond then let it go.  Give yourself the gift of self-respect, acceptance and love.  You have always been worthy and deserving! ~ Creator

Source: The Creator Writings

Message from the Councils and Pleiadians (5/11/19) | Galaxygirl — Voyages of Light

(Voyages of Light)

Councils and Pleiadians 5/11/2019

We are the Councils of Nine, Twelve, Seven. We wish to begin an open communication line with humanity. We intend for great love to be felt within these words. For too long humanity has been isolated, felt alone and the truth has been so twisted up in your realm that there is truly much to unlearn and much to re-listen to. We wish to begin by saying you are tremendously loved, valued and supported. You, ground team, are a remarkable crew. Your fortitude, strength and resilience is astonishing, astounding, and we want you to know you are tremendously appreciated, and thoroughly loved.

Read more via Message from the Councils and Pleiadians (5/11/19) | Galaxygirl — Voyages of Light