Strong Together | The Final Wakeup Call

The World is Ruled by the Luciferian Pharaonic Oligarchy

Protocols of Zion are the Blueprint for One World Government

Society is made up of lies

Manipulative lying influences

By The Final Wakeup Call – January 31, 2021

Strong Together: The World is Ruled, One World Government, Society is Made up of Lies || Final Wakeup Call

The world has become an insane asylum

The Corona pandemic was and is not deadly for humanity, but had a deadly effect on economics: international mobility screeched to a halt, which devastated industries like tourism, travel, hotel & restaurant business, breaking down global supply chains. People mustwake up en masse, because the world has become an insane asylum where the majority of society is too much asleep to notice the insanity about what is happening with the Coronavirus pandemic. Just as insane dreams are not questioned, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage, as sleeping people are easily controlled. Continue Reading → The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Samen Sterk

De wereld wordt bestuurd door de Luciferiaans Faraonische Octogon Oligarchie Protocollen van Zion zijn de blauwdruk voor de één wereldregering Onze samenleving is opgebouwd uit verzinsels Manipulatieve leugenachtige influentie   De wereld is een gekkenhuis De Corona pandemie was en…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Zusammen stark

Die Welt wird von der luziferischen pharaonischen Oktogon-Oligarchie diktiert Die Protokolle von Zion sind die Blaupause für eine Weltregierung Die Gesellschaft besteht aus Verdrehungen Manipulative Lügeneinflüsse   Die Welt ist ein Verrückte Haus Die Corona-Pandemie war und ist nicht tödlich…Continue Reading

Throw Away those stupid Masks! |The Final Wakeup Call

People Themselves Determine the End of COVID

If we don’t end it now, it will soon be impossible to end it!

Will more people start fighting for their liberty?

One World Government

Big Brother is Watching You

The Medical Mafia attacks your Immune System

COVID-19 Pandemic is the New World Order Roadmap

By The Final Wakeup Call – November 4, 2020

Covid Hoax for Total Surveillance, Control and Enslavement

Every shutdown, closure, mask mandate, limitation of crowd size, forced temperature test, travel restriction, forced corona test, person who loses his/her job for personal speech that contradicts the official narrative, act of social media censorship, church that stops assembling, every attempt to disrupt your ability to make a living, shop, bank, worship, recreate, socialise or engage in free enterprise is a deliberate assault against your Liberty.These are not mere inconveniences.

These are calculated, disgusting, destructive, draconian, demonic and damnable attacks against your Liberty. How long are you going to tolerate it? Continue Reading → The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Gooi die stomme maskers weg

Mensen bepalen zelf het einde van COVID Als we het nu niet beëindigen, zal het binnenkort onmogelijk zijn het te beëindigen! Zullen meer mensen gaan vechten voor hun vrijheid? Eén wereldregering Big Brother houdt je in de gaten De medische…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Werfen Sie diese dummen Masken weg

Die Menschen bestimmen das Ende von COVID selbst Wenn wir es jetzt nicht beenden, wird es bald unmöglich sein, es zu beenden! Werden mehr Menschen für ihre Freiheit kämpfen? Eine Weltregierung Big Brother beobachtet Sie Die Medizinmafia greift Ihr Immunsystem…Continue Reading →

This roadmap seems to be right on track with what we now are seeing advance our way. It’s time the people wake up from their inertiaTURN OFF THE TELEVISION, quit believing the narrative of the government paradigm and start shutting down tyrants and defending your liberty!


(Video) The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was | Pandemin som aldrig ägde rum — – 12 Sept, 2020

Under mars månad så var Dr Vernon Coleman den första läkaren som beskrev coronapandemin som en bluff. Han analyserar hur bluffen utfördes från dess början och hur politiker och läkemedelsindustrin har använt tillfället för att göra resten av jordens befolkning till offer av det största brottet i historien., The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was | Pandemin som aldrig ägde rum

Video: “The Coronavirus Pandemic That Never Was” (24:46) via —

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 1 & 2) — August 6, 2020

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 1) -- August 6, 2020

1912 Painting by Maurice Denis, “Paradise”

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 1) — August 6, 2020

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

Enclose Part 1 of my transcription of Charlie and Colleen Freak’s Part 3 of their 3-part podcast/video presentation of President Trump and Q-Team’s Takedown of the Cabal.

This was the most emotional transcription for me and took me 5-days to complete.

I didn’t really understand Epstein Island until this video or the horror it was or how cold-blooded Ghislaine Maxwell is and how monstrous all those who went to this island were.

And then there’s the neighboring Water Island owned by the Biden crime family that were submarining children from Water Island to Epstein Island. Good God Almighty.

It’s un-believe-able, un-fathom-able and so gruesome I don’t have words, only tears.

In this video, Charlie and Colleen wrap up the Q-team plan. It’s Divinely extraordinary. →

Read more, transcript & video: “”Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan” (2:47:31) via OpDis

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 2) -- August 6, 2020

Painting: “Eternal Love” by Josephine Wall

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 2) — August 6, 2020

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 1) — August 6, 2020

Enclose Part 2 of my transcription of Charlie and Colleen Freak’s Part 3 of their 3-part podcast/video presentation of President Trump and Q-Team’s Takedown of the Cabal.

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

Read more, transcript & videos: “Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan” (2:47:31) and “Sacha Stone talks about Adrenochrome on Camelot TV Network” (12:05) via OpDis 

From Q’s Facebook Page – June 16, 2020

From Q’s Facebook Page:

The cat is out of the bag. The virus was a hoax after all. The CDC, WHO and all the so-called experts lied to you! Here’s the list:

🔺”CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported — an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess.”

🔺The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.

🔺Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.

🔺Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.

🔺CDC backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states & clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.

🔺Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, thus making stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place.

🔺Trump stopped funding the WHO and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.

🔺The curve is flattened, the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.

🔺Even California is opening up sooner than anyone expected because the evidence contradicts the long standing and inaccurate narrative still upheld by the extremely dishonest & corrupt media.

🔺If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.

🔺 People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!

🔺 Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.

🔺 WHO have just admitted that transmission of the virus from an asymptomatic carriers – the whole reason for the lockdown, is rare!! ie you could not spread it before showing any symptoms!!

⚠️ The #CDC just confirmed a 0.2% death-rate for #COVID19. For that, we have:
• Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt
• Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers
• Placed 60 million on food stamps
• Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment
• Crippled the petroleum industry
• Ruined the tourism industry
• Bankrupted the service industry
• Caused an impending meat and protein crisis
• Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders
• Exacerbated mental health problems
• Shut down schools and colleges
• Given unbridled power to unelected officials
• Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths
• Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses
• Infringed upon countless important civil liberties
• Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest

Quarantine is Imprisonment — The Final Wakeup Call – June 17, 2020

Wearing a mask is a display of war hysteria

The lockdown is an infringement of our freedom

The Economic Damage is much larger than the Impact of COVID-19

Death rates, are vastly inflated

Q and Trump Team presented on Soundcloud

Final Wakeup Call – June 17, 2020

Corona Hoax

Most people are sufficiently competent and reasonably intelligent, but confronted with public policy, they immediately lose their mind. Everyone should know, making a copy of a printed currency bill, is worthless. But they think that central banks can copying trillions of them, and these will magically represent real wealth.

Face-to-face, they avoid getting in conflict, but leave their government and the media come up with miserable war against small countries, drugs, poverty, terrorism, and now a virus-molecule for which they are ready to back the war full hearted. – Since last March, the human race is at war with a New Plague, that, could infect the population, killing millions. No one questioned, whether this has happened, as the total death officially related to the corona virus although heavily inflated amounts worldwide not to no more than 400.000 death after three months. Continue Reading →

via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Quarantaine is Gevangenneming

Het dragen van een masker is een uiting van oorlogshysterie De lockdown is een inbreuk op je vrijheid De economische schade is veel groter dan de impact van COVID-19 Sterftecijfers zijn immens overdreven Q en Trump Team geïntroduceerd op Soundcloud…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Quarantäne ist Inhaftierung

Das Tragen einer Maske ist Ausdruck der Kriegshysterie Die Einsperrung ist eine Verletzung Ihrer Freiheit Der wirtschaftliche Schaden dominiert bei weitem die Effekte von COVID-19 Die Sterblichkeitsraten sind enorm übertrieben Q und Trump Team auf Soundcloud vorgestellt   Corona Scherz…Continue Reading →


Change Is Coming, The Great Awakening Is Happening | Humans Are Free – June 12, 2020

Great Awakening

(Humans Are Free)

In a recent interview with Claudio Grass on the X22 spotlight YouTube channel, Grass says change is coming whether we like it or not.

Not only is the Great Awakening here, but the financial reset to usher in the New World Order is also here.

Grass breaks down the current event of the plandemic and how this event was used to control the people, remove their rights, and to push a new world order using military might.

However, Grass also believes a great awakening is happening now and people are starting to see what is really happening, and change is coming. →

Read more & video: “The Great Awakening Is Happening WW, Change Is Coming:Claudio Grass” (39:11) via Humans Are Free

It’s Time to End the Lockdown – NOW! — Waking Times – April 16, 2020

Makia FreemanContributor
Waking Times


End the f*cking lockdown now! It’s time to wake up and rise up. We have allowed this fake pandemic, this coronavirus hoax and this absurd lockdown to go far too long already. We have been deceived. We have allowed authorities to become tyrants. We have swallowed whole the fairy tale lies of a new killer virus, a new invisible enemy and a new war on bioterrorism. We have allowed panic, irrationality and fear to run our minds and our societies. We have gladly handed over precious rights and freedoms. We have crawled to officials and begged them to save us. We have meekly accepted ridiculous rule after ridiculous rule, wearing inane masks (that don’t even prevent germs from entering our mouths) and partaking in asinine OCD behaviors. We have accepted house arrest, virtual martial law and massive restrictions on our intrinsic, inherent or God-given (whichever word you prefer) rights. We have allowed governments to restrict our ability to gather, to assemble, to move, to trade, to work, to shop, to live normal lives – FOR WHAT? For a unproven disease that is no worse than the seasonal flu? WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED! This has got to stop – now! →

Read more & videos via It’s Time to End the Lockdown – NOW! — Waking Times