(Video) Rule of Law Collapsed in USA – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Replaces WNW for 2.26.2021)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says now that the stolen election is over, get ready for lawlessness to reign.  We start with the Supreme Court that refused to hear the Trump case on Pennsylvania voting fraud.

Read more & video(50:02): Rule of Law Collapsed in USA – Martin Armstrong — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Throw Away those stupid Masks! |The Final Wakeup Call

People Themselves Determine the End of COVID

If we don’t end it now, it will soon be impossible to end it!

Will more people start fighting for their liberty?

One World Government

Big Brother is Watching You

The Medical Mafia attacks your Immune System

COVID-19 Pandemic is the New World Order Roadmap

By The Final Wakeup Call – November 4, 2020

Covid Hoax for Total Surveillance, Control and Enslavement

Every shutdown, closure, mask mandate, limitation of crowd size, forced temperature test, travel restriction, forced corona test, person who loses his/her job for personal speech that contradicts the official narrative, act of social media censorship, church that stops assembling, every attempt to disrupt your ability to make a living, shop, bank, worship, recreate, socialise or engage in free enterprise is a deliberate assault against your Liberty.These are not mere inconveniences.

These are calculated, disgusting, destructive, draconian, demonic and damnable attacks against your Liberty. How long are you going to tolerate it? Continue Reading → The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Gooi die stomme maskers weg

Mensen bepalen zelf het einde van COVID Als we het nu niet beëindigen, zal het binnenkort onmogelijk zijn het te beëindigen! Zullen meer mensen gaan vechten voor hun vrijheid? Eén wereldregering Big Brother houdt je in de gaten De medische…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Werfen Sie diese dummen Masken weg

Die Menschen bestimmen das Ende von COVID selbst Wenn wir es jetzt nicht beenden, wird es bald unmöglich sein, es zu beenden! Werden mehr Menschen für ihre Freiheit kämpfen? Eine Weltregierung Big Brother beobachtet Sie Die Medizinmafia greift Ihr Immunsystem…Continue Reading →

This roadmap seems to be right on track with what we now are seeing advance our way. It’s time the people wake up from their inertiaTURN OFF THE TELEVISION, quit believing the narrative of the government paradigm and start shutting down tyrants and defending your liberty!

Source: Sonsoflibertymedia.com

The Deep State Octopus — The Final Wakeup Call – April 15, 2020

The reason why Switzerland is the Deep State’s Head Quarters

The 13 Archon Bloodline Families that run Planet Earth

The Greatest Fraud in Human History

The Final Wakeup Call

April 15, 2020

The Deep State Octopus: The Greatest Fraud in Human History

Global Power structure

The Deep State cabal with their cronies are the top 1 percent of all people who own more than half of the world’s wealth. They are an extremely powerful network of people that controls nearly everything around us. People won’t read about it in the mainstream media because they are also controlled by these very same people. Politicians won’t talk about it publicly as they too are complicit. That would be like a mobster discussing murder and robbery on the TV-news. Many people maintain that the Deep State is hidden, however it is hidden in plain sight. For those willing to wake up and take notice, it is unconcealed and for all to be seen. Continue Reading →

via The Deep State Octopus — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Nederlands: De Deep State Octopus

De reden waarom Zwitserland het hoofdkwartier is van de Deep State 13 Archon Bloodline-families runnen planeet Aarde De grootste fraude in de humane geschiedenis   De Wereld Machtsstructuur De Deep State-cabal met hun trawanten zijn de top 1 procent van…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Der Deep State Oktopus

Der Grund, warum die Schweiz das Hauptquartier des Deep State ist 13 Archon Blut Linie-Familien kontrollieren den Planeten Erde Der größte Betrug in der Geschichte der Menschheit     Die Weltmachtstruktur Die Deep State Cabal mit ihren Kumpanen sind die…Continue Reading →