There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam |

Saturday, September 11, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) No matter what the media tries to get you to think, the fact remains that there is no such thing as a “Delta variant,” at least not as far as the currently available “tests” are concerned.

Read more: There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam —

If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases” | – Aug 24, 2020

(Natural News) We now have proof that the medical fascists intend to never end the mask mandates, lockdowns and forced quarantine camps that they claim are necessary due to covid-19. All those Orwellian measures are being justified by coronavirus “cases” stemming solely from people “testing positive” for the coronavirus. But these tests are largely flawed and produce disturbingly high numbers of false positives. Even when the tests are accurate in terms of a genetic match for the virus, if a person isn’t sick with symptoms, then it’s not a “case” to begin with.

Read more & videos via If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases” —

Face Masks is Health Hazard | The Final Wakeup Call – July 22, 2020

Pandemic is a Hoax

Problem- Reaction- Solution is the Cheat

Get Acquainted with Your Greatest Enemy

The Great Awakening

Freedom is happiness

Presented as Soundcloud recording

Source: Final Wakeup CallJuly 22, 2020

How people intentionally are made sick

The Corona pandemic was and is not deadly for humanity, but has a deadly effect on economics. International mobility screeched to a halt, which devastated industries like tourism, travel, hotel & restaurant business, and broke down global supply chains. Governments are closing businesses and churches and forcing people to stay home. Politicians who promise to pay your rent or send you a check are soaring in popularity. While no one realizes it is all fake money, ending up with hyperinflation. In other words, these promises are a big scam. 

The bought criminal and corrupt puppet governments increased their authority by imposing fascistic watertight rules and restrictions on the wearing of face masks, social distancing and body temperature checks in public areas such as airports, train stations and supermarkets. Even after the virus had subsided, this dictatorial control and oversight continues or is even intensified. Continue Reading →

and video: “George Carlin – Germs, Immune System” (6:26) & Soundcloud: “Face Masks is Health Hazard – by Peter B Meyer, ed Erica Lynn Joseph (7.25.2020)” (19:27) via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Gezichtsmaskers zijn gevaarlijk voor gezondheid

De Pandemie is Bedriegerij Probleem-reactie-oplossing is het Bedrog Leer je grootste vijand kennen De Grote Ontwaking Vrijheid is blijheid   Hoe mensen opzettelijk ziek worden gemaakt De Corona-pandemie was en is niet dodelijk voor de mensheid, maar heeft een dodelijkContinue Reading →

Deutsch: Gesichtsmasken sind gesundheitsschädlich

Die Pandemie ist Täuschung Problem-Reaktions-Lösung ist das Doppelspiel Lernen Sie Ihren größten Feind kennen Das große Erwachen Freiheit ist Freude   Wie Menschen absichtlich krankgemacht werden Die Corona-Pandemie hat und wird die Menschheit nicht töten, hat jedoch tödliche Auswirkungen auf…Continue Reading →

Tens of thousands of UK coronavirus tests rendered invalid — – June 12, 2020

(Natural News) Nearly 30,000 Britons had to be retested for the coronavirus after their swabs, which their government had flown out to the U.S., turned out to be invalid.

The voided tests were part of a batch of 67,000 that had to be sent over to a university in the U.S. after the privately run Randox laboratory in Northern Ireland experienced “operational issues.” →

Read more via Tens of thousands of UK coronavirus tests rendered invalid —

April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population — Activist Post – May 14, 2020

By Makia Freeman

A 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper now proposes the next phase of the solution to the coronavirus crisis – after the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper which predicted and analyzed the problem and reaction. It’s problem-reaction-solution, Rockefeller-Gates style.

Last month on April 21st, the New World Order (NWO) manipulators released a 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper entitled National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan – Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities. This came after countless MSM appearances by NWO frontman, eugenicist and depopulation-via-vaccines enthusiast Bill Gates claiming you would need digital certificates and immunity passports to travel around again, and that your inherent rights such as the right to gather or assemble may never return unless you’re vaccinated. Predictably, the April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper is a blueprint for the creation of a colossal nationwide DNA database of the entire US population. In a moment of raw honesty, the paper even admits that “The Rockefeller Foundation exists to meet moments like this;” although to be fair it would be more accurate to say ‘The Rockefeller Foundation on behalf of its NWO masters exists to orchestrate crises like this, then pose as the savior to solve them.’ It calls for testing and tracing of all Americans – initially 1 million per week, then 3 million per week and finally 30 million per week (the “1-3-30 Plan”) until every single American is assimilated into the database. →

Read more via April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population — Activist Post