Scientist Discovers Cells That ‘Ingest’ Vaccine Aluminum Are The Same Cells Found In Autistic Brains — Collective Evolution – August 20, 2019


What’s happening in our world with regards to the censorship of information is unbelievable. It’s truly Orwellian, as we now have multiple ‘ministries of truth’ that are determining what is real and what is fake, what’s legit and what’s not. You would think that human beings are capable of determining on their own what’s considered ‘fake’ news, shouldn’t we the people be allowed to decide?

Read more & video: “PR CHRISTOPHER EXLEY – Aluminium, le corps blessé… Une invasion toxique” (35:12) via Scientist Discovers Cells That ‘Ingest’ Vaccine Aluminum Are The Same Cells Found In Autistic Brains — Collective Evolution