The Greater Picture – May 14, 2017

“Picture this…you’re living at the beginning of year One, when most people still believe that the Earth is flat. One day, someone approaches you, telling you that the Earth isn’t flat but round.

How would you have reacted, you think? Would you have declared the messenger crazy, like everybody else? Or would you have listened to him, to hear how he came up with that bizarre idea?

This website is for that last category of people!

Okay, so you’re saying that in principle you’re open to other ideas. Let’s put that to the test straight away ;)

Below are 10 theses. Please have a read through…

Read more at: The Greater Picture

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Dr. Steven Greer – The Disclosure Project – May 14, 2017

Dr. Steven Greer

“The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret…

Read more at: The Disclosure Project


Alien Disc Caught On International Space Station Live Feed(video) – May 14, 2017

According to secureteam10, a YouTube channel, an alien disc was caught disappearing from view when caught on the International Space Station’s live feed. Although NASA has cut the feed mysteriously in the past when unidentified objects are caught on their video, it doesn’t immedatly appear that they took precautions with this one. The spectacular feed from…

via Alien Disc Caught On International Space Station Live Feed — The Daily Sheeple


Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, May 13th, 2017


Saturday, May 13th, 2017

Channel: Ann Dahlberg


I am Sananda and I am very happy to be here today. It is towards a world of abundance that we are heading. It is time now dear children on Earth to pull your straw to the stack. There is much to be done on our dear Earth. Everything that has been damaged and destroyed now needs to be restored to its natural state. It is good that you collaborate and help each other with different projects to protect and honor our Earth that has been subjected to much for your sake dear children. It is now your turn to give back some of the love that she has given you. Mother Earth is full of love for her creations and wants you all to do well. Just feel carefully how you are doing in your bodies. Some are doing well others are not doing so well. It is the same thing with the organs in your bodies. Some are doing well, while others less so. It is the same thing in the body of Mother Earth. Some places on Mother Earth are in perfect balance and other places are doing less well depending on how exposed these places are to pollution and toxins. In some places big holes have been chewed out and they can be more difficult to repair. However, everything is possible, dear children on Earth – Everything is possible.

Many miracles can take place these days and it is you who evoke them. This you do with the power of love and intention. If there are sufficiently many of you that have the same power and intention great wonders can take place. Smaller miracles will now take place all the time, as the Earth’s children will prepare the way for the new Era on Earth. You are many now who will spread your heart’s abundance everywhere on our Earth. Dedicated workers with the heart in the right place will now restore Earth. This will spread to many hearts that open up and reach out a willing hand. Earth will soon have a large flowing movement of hands that are willing to help when they can see the good that will come of it.

Yes, humanity is on the way and it is greeted in Heaven with both trumpets and songs by the angels. I, Sananda, am moved to tears of everything that I see today. This is what we have worked for. This is the hour that we have longed for and now it is here. It is wonderful and fantastic and my heart expands with love for our Earth, for you, for everything that exists on this planet. I love you so much and very soon I will be able to hold you in my embrace. Go in peace now my children on Earth and do the work you in your hearts find you should do. Whether it is large or small what you do on Earth it is counted equally in Heaven. You are all a gift from God and are equally honored and loved for who you are. Each one of you has many who are waiting for you with great love and joy. They can see that the reunion is very close and they can hardly handle the love that bubbles up in their hearts. It is love that soon can be released as the children of Earth now march into the light again.

Understand that you are expected and loved dear children on Earth. Feel this now in your heart and follow the whisperings you can hear there. This path leads home, home to your near and dear who are doing everything they can to help you follow that path now.

I walk with you now. Earth with all its beings is on the way into the light. It is wonderfully beautiful to see and I will save this picture in my heart so that you will experience the day that is today. The time is now my dear children on Earth. The return has started and the abundance of love is spreading all over Earth at a continuously increasing speed.

God is with you!



Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan


The messages posted on can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.

Mother Mary via Linda Dillon, May 6th, 2017

Universal Mother Mary: Ride the Wave with Me

Description: Universal Mother Mary reminds us that the Tsunami of Love continues as we move into the new frequencies of higher realms of existence.

Saturday Conference Call, May 6, 2017

Thanks to Mare for the transcription.

Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of hope, Mother of change, Mother of constancy, and my love for you, for each and every one of you sweet angels of light, sweet angels of love, is constant, never ending, always changing because it grows.

You sweet angels are shifting into a higher dimensional reality…and you may call it a shift, you may call it ascension, I call it ‘being’ and it is the being of who you are and who you have always been without the various disguises that you have adopted. Your essence does not change. Does it expand and grow? Yes. Just as you live in an ever-expanding universe, multiverse, omniverse, you would have it no other way.

Beloveds, I wish to bring you back, even before we speak of my Tsunami of Love, I wish to bring you back to what I have spoken of in our last Annual Gathering and the last Annual Gathering in Sedona when I have tasked you, blessed you, invited you to carry, to be responsible, to process for 144,000,000 people. Now, some of you say, “But Mother, I was not there. I did not have the where-with-all or the opportunity to travel to the southwest.”

Sweet angels of light, there were far more of you who were only present in spirit, it matters not, the room, the grounds, the town was full and you were there. And if by chance you happened to sleep through it, it matters not, I am here this day to remind you. And I do not do so to burden you, let me be very clear about that. I do so in a way of praise and empowerment; this is a part of your divine authority. You would not be asked to be the steward, the faithful steward for 144,000,000 people if you were not entirely capable. And I mean this, sweet ones, in everything you do.

So, think of this when you smile and radiate warmth and love and acceptance to a stranger, whether it is on the street or the street car; whether it is at the subway stop or in the bank; whether it is buying fish or choosing fruit.

What you are doing is you are extending that warmth, that love, that acceptance, not merely to that individual or the entire green area, you are sending it to 144,000,000 people, beings, those in need, those who may be either struggling, those who may be unaware, those who may actively be recalcitrant, and even at moments, to some in your own circle who is in need. You trade places all the time, you know.

Similarly, if you frown or you scowl or are dismissive or unacknowledging, you are doing so to 144,000,000 people. The magnitude of that strikes you deeply, does it not? You are unique and beautiful. You are the child of my heart, my being, my soul, the Father and I, and yet you are also part of a beautiful, unified whole.

There can be no separation. That has been an illusion and it is the fragments and whispers of these illusions that I bring my Tsunami of Love to at this moment. And yes, I am closing the brackets because it is marking an end to this phase and this realm of existence in the best and most joyous of ways.

This is about completion but it is also about resurrection and rebirth and living your heart’s desires. That is the only thing I wish for thee because when you live, sweet angels, your heart’s desires, you are living mine as well.

When you are living in hope and trust and faith and joy, you are living in physical form, expressing my Dream in form. But I don’t ask you just to do it for me, I beg you, I plead with you, I encourage you, and I support you, do it for you, for your own sweet beautiful self and do it for your 144,000,000 and let them do it for you.

You are circles within circles within circles and they all belong to me, and I belong to you. Come sweet angels of light and ride the waves of my Tsunami. Get out your surfboard. Languish on the waves and let me wash you, let me pull from you what you may not even know you have. Your job is to allow and in the allowing is the fulfillment.

So, this is my request of each and every one of you…Ride the wave and ride it with me. The Tsunami is my essence and my essence is love. I am with you and I love you. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2017 Council of Love, Inc. 



Buddha via Susan Leland, May 9th, 2017

Buddha – “I See You All As Enlightened Ones!” Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – May 9, 2017 “I am the Buddha, as I am known. I am also called ‘The Enlightened One,’ and while I celebrate this title referring…Read more

via Buddha via Susan Leland, May 9th, 2017 — Sananda

Horus via Nancy Tate, May 13th, 2017

Wake up Call: Horus, May 13, 2017


If you all were to go about your business and make a turn or two that felt good, then you would be in the space that brings about a good feeling of what your life is about right now. It is a matter of being true to yourself and bringing a good template to your story.

As far as the rest of the story is there is a turn of events that is coming that will bringing about the loveliest way of living that you have known since being on this planet. I speak of the reunion with yourselves, and the times of goodness that you will create and feel in every moment. It is a matter of the old being just that, the old. It is time for the new to be in every second and to imitate the previous one in the energy of rightness.

When I say rightness I say that there is no ‘wrong’ in the decisions that you come to that come from your inner self and make you feel good. It is a long way from being in the advantage of taking guidelines from others, especially when they don’t feel good. Make your own guidelines. If they are in the coincide with others then you are on an interesting track that can lead you to a harmonic adventure that will always be in the advantages of not only you, but others as well.

I am with you now to encourage you to follow your heart and your good feelings that will bring to you the best life in every moment that you can make. If something comes to you from a decision that you’ve made that may not seem right, then see it from the standpoint as a way to be able to determine what the next decision will be. It is a genuine journey of Love that is in your pathway. Take that journey on with your own guidelines, even if they might match others. They are then in harmony, and in the flow of creation.

This is just one of the small conversations that I wish to share with you today. As we all go about our journeys we will cross each other’s paths, and smile and hold hands, hug and even walk along with each other for a certain distance or purpose. It is the time for us all to go our ways in the energies that feel right for us first, and then can flow on to others who are in our lives.

I am Horus and I am with you in this day to bring about a new beginning for us all together. We are One in destiny, and in the moment of Love that we all share. I am at peace, in joy and live in Love with all of you. On with your journey in the essence of your true selves! Love is all there is.

Thank you dear Horus,

Much love,

Nancy Tate

The Tree Of The Golden Light

Confused About The Anunnaki? This Original Animation Explains Their Entire Story – May 14, 2017

Confused About The Anunnaki? This Original Animation Explains Their Entire Story

Alien Policy You might have seen documentaries and movies about the Anunnaki, but have you seen this? This is ANUNNAKI – Mensageiros do Vento, the first alternative history rock opera cartoon. Created by Brazilian rock band Mensageiros do Vento (Messengers of the Wind), this miniseries is based on translations of ancient clay tablets found amid the ruins of Sumer, arguably…

via Confused About The Anunnaki? This Original Animation Explains Their Entire Story — Galactic Connection