5 Signs We Are Going Through A Global Mass Awakening – April 18, 2017

We are currently in the middle of a mass awakening which is happening on multiple levels all over the globe. Sometimes it can be hard to see what is happening with the constant distractions from media, advertising and constant disinformation put out by the propaganda machine.However I am fortunate enough to see the world from a…

via 5 Signs We Are Going Through A Global Mass Awakening — Humans Are Free

The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge – Videos – March 21, 2017

March 20, 2017 by:

Image: The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge

(Natural News) The real goal of the corporate-run media is to suppress human knowledge and prevent a mass awakening of humanity.

The corporate-run media is not about informing, uplifting or educating humanity. It’s not about connecting you with important world events or bringing you insightful analysis on finance, medicine, technology, politics, science or the environment.

Instead, the corporate-run media is all about distracting you from the things that matter while indoctrinating you with falsehoods that have no basis in factual reality. The sinister agenda behind all this is to keep humanity dumbed down, scientifically illiterate, and cognitively redirected away from anything that might lead to greater awakening or freedom to Think………

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10 Signs of Our Global Awakening – January 29, 2017

10 Signs of Our Global Awakening

HumansAreFree 10 Signs of Our Global Awakening Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity. by Paul A. Philips Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how…

via 10 Signs of Our Global Awakening — Galactic Connection